Wednesday, October 23, 2024

SHOCKER: China Prefers Kamala Over Trump

'The Chinese Communist Party is rooting for Kamala Harris because they know she will kowtow to their interests...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Communist China recently proved once again that it would support Democrats after it was revealed that the regime would prefer Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris over Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. 

“It’s a common view among Chinese experts that Harris means more continuity, at least in the first one or two years of her presidency,” Zhu Junwei, a former researcher in the People’s Liberation Army who is now director of American research at Grandview Institution in Beijing, told Bloomberg.

Junwei then said that Trump could be unpredictable, negatively affecting China.

“While Trump means a wider scope of possibilities, better or worse, with lots of surprises and potentially more trouble for China, the US itself and its allies, and even the whole world,” he added.

Morgan Finkelstein, national security spokeswoman for the Harris campaign, tried to save Harris’s reputation by saying she would be a great leader without proving his claim and adding that she “is clear-eyed about the threats posed by China, and as president, she will ensure the United States wins the competition for the 21st century.”

“She will stand up against China’s efforts to undermine global stability and prosperity,” he said. “She will work closely with our allies and partners to take on these challenges while also investing in our own sources of strength.”

However, Brian Hughes, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, told Bloomberg that it would be the complete opposite.

“China is salivating at the thought of taking advantage of Kamala’s weakness and ineptitude,” he said.

Donald Trump Jr. also claimed that the reason why China would prefer Harris was because Harris is a communist who would be constantly collaborating with the communist regime.

“The Chinese Communist Party is rooting for Kamala Harris because they know she will kowtow to their interests,” he wrote on Twitter.

Conservative news sources previously reported that China has become more powerful under the Biden-Harris administration.

China was not the only dictatorial country that expressed its desire to see Harris in the White House. Russian President Vladimir Putin previously claimed that he would prefer Harris over Trump. Before Democrats replaced Joe Biden with Harris, Putin also endorsed Biden, claiming that he is “more experienced” and “predictable.”

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