Thursday, October 17, 2024

Swing State’s Trump Supporters Receive Violent Letters from Party of ‘Joy’

'Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your own peril, motherf**er. We look forward to visiting in the future...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The party members of “joy” and “peace” proved once again that they are the opposite of what they claim to be. 

The Post Millennial stated in its exclusive report that some people who support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and live in the battleground state of Pennsylvania recently received threatening letters in their mail after the letters were sent through the U.S. Postal Service.

The letter, written by a “patriotic citizen and a true American,” blamed the person who received the threat for supporting Trump, claiming that if one supports Trump, he fights against every imaginable group that lives inside the country.

“And you are entitled to all of this. However, this is a reminder that your visible support comes with a price and at a cost. There will be consequences,” the “joyful” writer stated.

The leftist then claimed that Trump would essentially destroy the country, continuing to threaten the people who received the letter.

“Should your candidate win, the consequences will be staggering,” the person wrote. “But more importantly, we know where you live. You are in the database. In the dead of a cold winter night, this year or next and beyond, there is no knowing what may happen. Your property [and] your family may be impacted and your cat may get shot. And more.”

Then, the person suggested that the people who received the letter talk to their priests, pastors and rabbis before something terrible happens.

“Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your own peril, motherf**er. We look forward to visiting in the future,” the person wrote.

@ScottPresler and Cliff @Maloney, stay safe,” Eric Daugherty, assistant news editor at Florida Voice News, wrote.

Some conservatives urged the authorities to do something about it, adding that it is not surprising that these kinds of letters come only from one political side.

“@DOJCrimDiv, @FBI. Will you be following up on this? This is incredibly not something that should be tolerated in a civil, free society. And, of course, again, this is inciting violence. And, of course, it comes from those who support the left side,” COO of Beacon Hospitality Ernie Felici Jr. wrote.

After reading the letter, some people claimed they have no desire to live peacefully with Democrats anymore.

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