Thursday, October 17, 2024

RFK Jr. Hints At Big Agricultural Role in Next Trump Admin

'American agriculture will come roaring back, and so will American health...'

(Headline USA) Former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suggested this week that he will play a significant role guiding health and agricultural policy in a second Trump administration.

Kennedy ended his independent campaign and endorsed former President Donald Trump in August and launched a new pro-Trump slogan: “Make America Healthy Again.”

Speaking outside the Department of Agriculture headquarters in Washington, D.C., this week, Kennedy said he has several policy ideas he would like to implement as part of that agenda.

“When Donald Trump gets me inside the building I’m standing outside of right now, it won’t be this way anymore. American agriculture will come roaring back, and so will American health,” Kennedy said in a video he posted Monday.

Kennedy went on to blast the U.S.’s current agricultural policy for “destroying America’s health on every level,” including the “economic health of farmers” who don’t want to become corporate operations.

He then vowed to ban the use of toxic pesticides and remove “conflicts of interest” within the agency that undermine good policy decisions.

“We’re going to ban the worst agricultural chemicals that are already prohibited in other countries. And we’re going to remove conflicts of interest from the USDA dietary panels and commissions,” he said. “I’ve seen some of what America’s most innovative, regenerative farmers are doing today. They can literally green deserts. They rebuild depleted soils, wells that have been dry for 30 years start flowing again.”

Trump has also hinted at a prominent role for Kennedy.

“We will make America healthy again. You know who’s going to do that? RFK Jr. He’s got some good ideas,” Trump said at a recent rally in Reading, Pennsylvania. 

Kennedy’s team said in August that Trump and Kennedy had discussed “the possibility of a Cabinet position,” specifically in regards to the Department of Health and Human Services, which includes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, and the National Institutes of Health.

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