Saturday, October 5, 2024

Trump Calls Biden ‘Old Broken Down Pile of Crap’ in Candid Golf Course Video

"How could a leaked video be this magnificent and altogether good for his brand?"

(Elias Irizarry, Headline USA) A candid video showing former President Donald Trump trash-talking President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris went viral—potentially having the opposite effect of what the leakers may have intended.

Trump is shown in the video riding in a golf cart with his youngest son, Barron—a rare sighting of the recent high-school graduate who has so far stayed away from the political scene, declining a nomination to be a delegate for the Republican National Convention.

In the video, the former president asks three men, one of whom is recording, how he did in his June 27 debate with President Joe Biden.

Trump goes on to call Biden an “old-broken down pile of crap” while handing a pair of $20 bills from a large stack from his pocket.

“He just quit, you know, he’s quitting the race,” Trump tells the men. “That means we have Kamala.”

Trump goes on to reassure them that his expected new opponent will not be any worse a threat than the prior one.

“She’s so bad, she’s so pathetic,” he says of Harris. “She’s so f**king bad.”

Trump then presumably turns the discussion back to Biden, joking about his dealings with foreign leaders.

“Can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin? And the president of China, who’s a fierce person. He’s a fierce man, very tough guy—and they see him,” he says.

“Just keep knocking ’em out,” Trump says before driving off with his son.

The video, obtained by the Daily Beast and posted July 3, was likely intended to paint presumptive GOP presidential nominee in a negative light. However, it quickly backfired.

Within hours, Trump posted the video on his Truth Social page with the “NO TAX ON TIPS!”—linking his generous caddy gratuity to one of his recently announced policy proposals.

The online reaction to the video appeared to mostly be in Trump’s favor, with conservative pundit Jack Posobiec, editor of the site Human Rights, posting the video on X, with the comment, “We don’t deserve him.”

Candance Owens, host of The Candace podcast, quoted the post, “How could a leaked video be this magnificent and altogether good for his brand?”

Biden–Harris spokesperson, Sarafina Chitika, responded to the video with a statement writing a long list of responses of things things that they claim Trump did that are “bad.”

A poll done by J.L. Partners shows Trump leading Biden by 5 points. When Biden is replaced with Harris in a hypothetical poll, Trump appears to hold an even larger lead, 11 points above the vice president and possible future nominee.

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