Thursday, October 17, 2024

Beloved Actor w/ Highly Punchable Face Is Victim of NYC ‘Knockout Game’

'Steve Buscemi was assaulted in Mid-Town Manhattan, another victim of a random act of violence in the city. He is OK and appreciates everyone’s well wishes...'

(Headline USA) From Reservoir Dogs’s Mr. Pink to The Big Lebowski‘s Donny, actor Steve Buscemi moved from journeyman to Hollywood A-lister by developing a brand for playing weird, off-beat and slightly unlikeable, if mostly well-meaning, characters.

He can thank his distinctive mug for helping him rise to the top of Tinsel Town’s list for most in-demand antiheroes.

But while many movie fans may have thought about punching him at one time or another, one New Yorker acted on those impulses—in what may have simply been a random crime as the city continues to deal with the lawlessness enabled by Manhattan District Attorney “Fat Alvin” Bragg’s fixation with playing partisan politics instead of doing his job.

Buscemi is OK after he was punched in the face by a man on a New York City street, his publicist said Sunday.

The 66-year-old star of Fargo and Boardwalk Empire was assaulted late Wednesday morning in Manhattan and taken to a nearby hospital with bruising, swelling and bleeding to his left eye.

“Steve Buscemi was assaulted in Mid-Town Manhattan, another victim of a random act of violence in the city,” according to a statement Sunday from his publicist. “He is OK and appreciates everyone’s well wishes.”

The assault was first reported by the New York Post.

The New York Police Department put out a nameless statement on the assault Wednesday. Buscemi’s representative confirmed Sunday that the unidentified assault victim in the police statement was the actor.

The police department said there were no arrests and the investigation was continuing.

Buscemi’s Boardwalk Empire co-star Michael Stuhlbarg was hit in the back of the neck with a rock while walking in Manhattan’s Central Park on March 31. Stuhlbarg chased his attacker, who was taken into custody outside the park.

Adapted from reporting by the Associated Press

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