Thursday, October 17, 2024

Newsmax Hints at Damning Biden Audio Tape to Be Released in Coming Months

'Biden has a big mouth, and it got him into a lot of trouble, but he hasn't seen the half of it yet...'

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) As if the data procured from an entire hard drive and a legion of whistleblowers had not produced enough evidence for an airtight impeachment case against President Joe Biden, sources suggest that a smoking-gun revelation may be just weeks away. 

“Biden has a big mouth, and it got him into a lot of trouble, but he hasn’t seen the half of it yet,” Newsmax host Greg Kelly said Tuesday on his morning broadcast, according to Newsweek.

“There is an audio tape I am told by people in the know—not necessarily in government, not necessarily out of government, I can’t say too much—but there is incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption that is about to be made public,” Kelly added.

The moment in time hearkens back to when Linda Tripp’s audio recordings set in motion a chain of events that led to Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress, stained with the semen of then-President Bill Clinton, being the final, incontrovertible evidence needed to show he had lied under oath and sought to obstruct the work of then-independent counsel Ken Starr.

Similarly, the Watergate-era tapes implicating then-President Richard Nixon in some sort of ah hush-money cover-up related to the beak-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

Some now question whether the CIA and FBI may have played a larger role than previously known in Watergate, effectively waging an internal coup against the Nixon administration in collusion with its operatives planted at the Washington Post.

Fortunately for Biden, the deep state thus far has appeared to be actively propping up the addled puppet president, having falsely claimed that Hunter Biden’s so-called laptop from Hell was Russian disinformation ahead of the 2020 election, and continuing to slow-walk investigations into the president and his son while pressuring its media and social-media contacts to censor criticism of the leftist regime and its policies.

As for what lies in store concerning Biden’s scandal, Kelly offered little in the way of detail about the tape in question.

“It’s not going to happen tomorrow, it’s not going to happen before Labor Day, but it will happen sometime between Labor Day and Halloween,” Kelly said. Nor did he know who would be releasing it.

Yet, he insisted that the tape’s release would prompt Biden to bow out of the 2024 race—something about which many on both sides of the aisle already have begun to speculate openly as the 80-year-old president’s popularity remains deeply underwater even without the prospect of a looming scandal.

While Biden’s ethical failings have long been an open secret on the Hill, his political masterstroke throughout a five-decade career in politics has been maintaining layers of separation that allowed for plausible deniability.

However, the recklessness of his drug-addict son may have proven his undoing as Biden has been forced to cover for a series of mistakes, including the abandoned laptop.

Biden’s own failing mental capacity, on top of his usual hubris, also has been a source of great concern among his handlers. He has been caught on tape ample time admitting to ethically questionable conduct, such as during a state reception recently with the Indian prime minister.

“I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things that we shared,” he told Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

In 2018, Biden also notably boasted about his extortion scheme in Ukraine, during which he coerced then-President Petro Poroshenko into firing the prosecutor who was investing the Burisma energy company, after he and his son collectively received a $10 million bribe from Burisma.

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours,” Biden bragged during a 2018 Council on Foreign Relations panel. “If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.”

“Well, son of a bitch. He got fired,” Biden said.

Biden’s personal indiscretions, such as his inappropriate interactions with women and children, have also been a source of speculation regarding potential blackmail if he were to be compromised either by a foreign government or by malign powers within the U.S. bureaucracy.

Ben Sellers is the editor of Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/realbensellers.

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