Saturday, September 7, 2024

Maxine Waters: Dems ‘Will Not Stop’ Pushing Impeachment, Even After Trial Ends

‘Impeachment is not good enough for Trump. He needs to be imprisoned & placed in solitary confinement…’

(Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said Sunday that even after the Senate’s impeachment trial concludes, Democrats “will not stop” pushing for the impeachment of President Trump.

As head of the House Financial Services Committee, Waters has issued several subpoenas demanding information about Trump’s financial records, as well as information about his charity, the Trump Foundation, and its business dealings.

Waters said that once she gets hold of the requested documents, the Democrats might be able to add to their charges against Trump.

“The subpoenas that I have issued that’s gone through the lower courts are now going to be heard at the Supreme Court in March,” Waters told MSNBC.

 “We will not stop,” she continued. “Whether or not that leads to another impeachment activity, I don’t know. But I know we must continue with the work that our constituents have elected us to come to Congress to do.”

Republicans reminded Waters last year that if she were to hand over documents she obtains through subpoenas to the Democrats, she would be in violation of the Financial Service Committee’s rules, which require members to guard the privacy of those under investigation.

It is clear that Waters’s intention all along was to drag Trump’s personal information into the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, the Republicans said.

“To create the appearance that your investigation has a legislative nexus, you sought and obtained an extraordinarily broad swath of financial records from dozens of Americans,” the Republicans wrote in a letter to Waters.

“Now that the true purpose of your investigation is clear, those Americans are right to be concerned whether their records will be furnished to the Judiciary Committee and subsequently released,” said the letter.

Last October, Waters even admitted that impeachment “is not good enough for Trump.”

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