Thursday, October 17, 2024

Was Wacko ‘View’ Host Joy Behar Drunk on Show?

'Only their ratings fall faster... '

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Joy Behar, the longest running host of “The View,” took a tumble on live television as the show was opening.

“25 years, that has never happened to me,” she said as she was getting up. “Who do I sue?!”

Co-host Whoppi Goldberg remarked on the danger of the chairs:

“These chairs move!” she said, demonstrating the danger by spinning her chair in circles. “You touch it and you’re on the ground!”

“We can’t even say you can’t have another glass of wine,” Goldberg continued. “It takes a glass of wine to get in the chair.”

Behar, 79, is reportedly unharmed.

Her ego, however, may take a hit if she reads some of the social media replies:

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