Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Key Voting Block Leaves Dems, Kamala, May Vote for Trump

'They want change...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris recently received terrible news for her campaign after it was revealed that American Asians are massively leaving the Democratic Party, which means that it could result in them voting for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Rep. Soo Hong, R-Ga., told Politico that Asian Americans, a voting group that has always been loyal to Democrats, became more politically conservative under the Biden-Harris administration.

“The economy … is always kind of the number one concern for a lot of the Asian American population. And they’re not happy with what’s happened in the last four years. They want change,” a Republican state legislator said. “And so I think that’s kind of why we’re seeing a little bit more of a shift of the Asian American community voting more on the conservative side than on the Democrat side.”

Politico also talked to other Asians who lived in Georgia and discovered that they don’t like the current administration and will vote for Trump this year.

“I don’t know Harris’ economic policies, but won’t the same pattern of rising prices and higher taxes repeat under her since she was the vice president?” a small business owner, Lee Sung Yong, said.

However, Asians don’t only live in Georgia. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, more than 6 million Asian Americans live in California, approximately 1 in 6 residents (17%), the second-highest share among U.S. states behind Hawaii. Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote also noted in its 2022 factsheet that California had over 4 million Asians living there. The 2024 numbers would probably be higher, considering the wideopen southern border.

The recent discovery would explain why Trump decided to campaign in California. The Daily Wire reported that Trump would hold an event on Saturday at the Calhoun Ranch in Coachella Valley.

“Under Kamala Harris and her dangerous Democrat allies like Tim Walz, the notorious ‘California Dream’ has turned into a nightmare for everyday Americans,” the campaign said, according to the Wire, once again emphasizing the disastrous economy.

The recent news came after Harris and Walz targeted two deep blue states, California and New York, instead of the battleground states.

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