Saturday, October 12, 2024

Party of ‘Peace,’ ‘Joy’ Puts Trump’s Head at Exhibition to Kick

'Political civility on full display, I guess...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The self-proclaimed party of “peace” and “joy” once again showed its true colors by allowing leftists to kick a rubber head of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at an art exhibit in Los Angeles.

Paul Joseph Watson of Modernity News reported that players kicked the rubber head around during an indoor game at Superchief Gallery in the far-left city last weekend. A group called INDECLINE created the anti-Trump installation.

Ironically, the raging leftists claimed that the installation was created to oppose Trump “spreading hate.”

“Freedom Kick is an appeal to the American sense of justice as a match between two opposing teams,” the group said, according to the news source. “The rules are meant to protect us from cheaters. We believe it is time to reset the game before we have to spend another four years watching a cheeseburger-scarfing, bloviating mess hobble up and down the pitch spreading hate.”

Conservatives criticized the recent display of blatant hatred of Trump.

“Because there’s nothing kinder and more appropriate in opposing ‘hate’ than to make a facsimile of someone’s decapitated head and treat it with total disrespect,” Watson wrote in his article. “They really just want to stop hate!”

Host of Unfiltered Unbiased Verified Mario Nawfal also commented on the recent news.

“Political civility on full display, I guess,” he wrote.

Conservative account, @amuse, agreed, adding that the Left doesn’t seem to realize that doing something like this only destroys their image as a “tolerant” and “peaceful” party that constantly puts the “There’s no hate in this home” yard signs in front of their homes.

“INCITEMENT: Is it just me, or does the left seem to have a lack of self-awareness?” @amuse wrote. “Hundreds of people have participated in the sick effort to dehumanize the former president.”

Others noted that the leftists’ obsession with “naked and beheaded effigies of their political opponents is really weird and unsettling.”

However, the recent news was not the only example of the Left expressing their desire to murder Trump. In 2017, Hollywood actress Kathy Griffin, for example, took a photo of herself holding a rubber head of Trump, covered in fake blood.

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