Thursday, October 17, 2024

The White House Covert Plot to Keep Biden Under Wraps Exposed

'[S]ome officials described Biden as unusually removed from the rest of his administration...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) A new report by the Wall Street Journal reveals how the White House shielded President Joe Biden from Democratic scrutiny, keeping him hidden from the public and protected by legacy media.

The report, extending over 5,000 words, found that undemocratic efforts to protect the 81-year-old president included blocking lawmakers and senior cabinet officials from directly contacting the president. 

Other methods included ignoring Biden’s noticeable slips and manipulating the Democratic primaries to secure his nomination despite obvious health concerns, the Journal reported. 

Democrats conveniently remained unaware of Biden’s decline, as they were secluded from meeting with him in the past three years since Congress certified the election for Biden. 

“While it’s not unusual for cabinet members to want more access to the president than they get, some officials described Biden as unusually removed from the rest of his administration—or, as one former administration official put it, not engaged in the ‘hands-on business of governing,’” the outlet added. 

Regarding potential primary challenges, Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., said Democratic operatives threatened to blackball anyone who worked against Biden in the race. 

The Democratic National Committee also played a major role, changing the primary to begin in South Carolina, a Biden stronghold.  

Florida and Wisconsin Democrats worked to submit only Biden’s name to election officials. The Wisconsin Supreme Court intervened, halting the plan. 

Republican and conservative media outlets have raised concerns for years about Biden’s ability to govern, arguing he seemed unfit for office, let alone running for four more years.

The legacy media was uninterested; instead, it pushed back any outlet that dared to report the obvious. 

After years of keeping such information from the public, Biden’s decline became evident during a debate with President Donald Trump, where he appeared incoherent and confused, bafflingly mixing topics like abortion and illegal immigration. 

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either,” Trump said after taking notice of Biden’s rumblings, igniting the destruction of the Biden legacy. 

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