Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Taylor Lorenz Leaves WaPo after Anti-Biden Comments

'WaPo had to have canned her because her reporting was worthless... her career had devolved into riding the @libsoftiktok wave for what little attention she could get...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) An infamous Taylor Lorenz recently left the place where she used to work, the Washington Post, to become an independent journalist and continue spreading leftist narratives with the financial support of her subscribers.

Lorenz posted a video on her YouTube channel titled “Why I’m leaving legacy media,” explaining why she decided to leave the Post.

“I’m excited to announce that I’m leaving legacy media to launch my new independent publication, User Magazine, on Substack, under which I will pursue the type of reporting on the internet that has become increasingly difficult to do in corporate media,” she wrote in the video’s description.

She also announced the news on her Twitter account.

“I AM NOW FULL-TIME INDEPENDENT. Subscribe to User Mag to support my work!” she wrote in one of her posts.

In her other social media posts, she also explained that she didn’t leave the Post because of her former co-workers.

“I cannot speak more highly about my colleagues at WaPo. I would DIE for those people. I love them so much. I will have their backs always. WaPo does phenomenal work, and I’m excited to force all of my former colleagues to come on my podcast,” Lorenz wrote.

She also praised the publication in another of her social media posts.

“I am so grateful to the Washington Post for my wonderful time at the company and will remain a huge cheerleader for the essential reporting the talented journalists at the Post produce,” Lorenz wrote.

“We are grateful for the work Taylor has produced at the Washington Post. She has resigned to pursue a career in independent journalism, and we wish her the best,” the newspaper’s spokesperson told Headline USA.

Lorenz then explained why she decided to leave the Post: she couldn’t do the job she wanted.

“I’m going independent because the legacy media is not the right fit for the type of work [I] personally want to do. I wrote more about that here. Subscribe today!” she wrote.

However, conservatives on Twitter noted that she is just lying about her leaving the newspaper, stating that she was fired by the Post.

Taylor Lorenz claims she’s casually leaving the Washington Post to start a substack… WaPo had to have canned her because her reporting was worthless… her career had devolved into riding the @libsoftiktok wave for what little attention she could get,” comedian Tim Young wrote.

Others believed she left the Post to become an independent journalist, adding that it happened only because she didn’t want to get fired and nobody would pay for her independent content.

Headline USA’s Luis Cornelio contributed to this report.

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