Note to readers: The following special report is reprinted with the permission of journalist Christina Urso, who is making a documentary about how the FBI fomented the 2020 conspiracy to kidnap Michigan’s governor. Find out more information about the documentary here.
(Christina Urso, Radix’s Newsletter) I have decided to officially publish the CHS File of FBI Informant Steve Robeson, with Barry Croft, Jr.’s handwritten notes on it. I obtained this file during the course of my investigation into the Gov. Whitmer “kidnap Plot” case and for my forthcoming documentary film “Kidnap and Kill: an FBI Terror Plot.” Credit to Thomas Leager, one of the Wisconsin targets in the Whitmer case for helping me obtain the Dossier.
To my knowledge, this has never been published nor has it been widely reported on. I have made reference to this in interviews, and now for the first time the public can read the file themselves.
The document outlines Steve Robeson’s activities as an FBI confidential human source (CHS) and some of his involvement in the case. The defense lawyers attempted to call Robeson as a witness, but he invoked the fifth amendment and the AUSA would not immunize him which allowed the government to disown it’s most involved informant.
I wrote about Robeson previously, when he got a sweetheart deal in 2023 AFTER the government lied and burned him as an informant claiming he was a “double agent” for the defense.
A number of things stand out from the file, including the fact that Assistant U.S. Attorney Nils Kessler gave Robeson “OIA” (otherwise illegal activity) to transport explosives to the Luther FTX when the AUSA in the Western District of Wisconsin wouldn’t give him “OIA” to possess firearms.
It should be noted the CHS file is a CYA (cover your ass) document, that doesn’t include the full scope of Robeson’s actions. Mr. Croft says all of CHS Robeson and his texts should have been in the discovery, but they weren’t.
The document admits Robeson was hired as an FBI source in October of 2019. As part of being brought in as an FBI asset, the document says that CHS Robeson was given access to an FBI “database.”. Throughout the FD-1023 forms (FBI documents), Mr. Croft is referred to as the “Baltimore target.”
Special Agent Kristopher Long out of the Baltimore Field Office initiated a full investigation on Barry in May of 2019 for “conspiracy to injure or impede a federal law enforcement officer.” As of the October 2019 hiring of Robeson, Croft had done nothing to warrant being formally charged with a crime. Robeson made contact with Croft online in December of 2019 for the first time. Agent Long was not CHS Robeson’s handling agent, and Robeson was working out of the Milwaukee Field Office.
CHS Robeson was the first person involved in the “Governor Whitmer Kidnapping Case” that Barry met, and he would not meet anyone else charged in the case until a meeting set up by Robeson on June 6, 2020 at the Drury Inn and Suites in Columbus, Ohio. CHS Robeson’s first contact with Barry came via a private message on Facebook. Croft lived in Delaware and did not know Robeson, or anyone who knew him. Robeson (also known as “Robey”) reached out feigning sympathy for a friend of Barry’s who had just passed away.
Barry says he is certain that the “database” CHS Robeson had been given access to by the FBI was what triggered Robeson to make contact with him. Neither this “database,” nor a description of the basis of the “database” was ever provided in discovery or in evidence.
Based on the language in the FD-1023 forms, it’s more likely that this database was of desired targets of the FBI, in which not enough evidence to charge these “targets” existed, so the FBI would direct a “CHS” with access to the “database” to make contact with the target and instigate a crime. This “database” was again referenced in a DOJ document seeking leniency for Robeson in a “felon in possession” case, outlining services he provided the FBI in the Whitmer case, but the DOJ attorneys in the case did not include this “database” or a description of it, despite it setting the whole case in motion.
Robeson’s CHS file also proves that former FBI Director Christopher Wray lied when he testified before Congress and it proves the existence of Americans being targeted over religion, political persuasion, and patriotism.
The CHS file lies about how Robeson became an informant and why. We now know, thanks to the reporting of the Intercept, that Robey was flagged under Operation Bronze Griffin and that is how he became an informant.
The document makes reference to several targets. The “Norfolk target” is a man named Frank Butler who Robeson tried to dupe into doing a plot to fly an explosives laden drone into the North Carolina vacation house of Ralph Northam, the Governor of Virginia at the time of the investigation. The “Baltimore target” is Barry Croft. The “Wisconsin target” is Brian Higgins.
You can read the document in full here: