Friday, October 25, 2024

Soros-Funded, Soft-on-Crime DAs Face Uphill Reelections & Recalls

'I can’t sit back and let this happen because I live in this city...'

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner won the 2017 election on an anti-cop, pro-criminal platform, and murders have climbed 29 percent so far this year, Politico reported.

Krasner’s not only weak on crime; he’s potentially corrupt.

He cut a plea deal with two cop killers because their attorneys, Michael Coard and Daniel Stevenson, both contributed the maximum individual donation—$2,700—to his campaign.

He let Carlton Hipps and Ramone Williams, who murdered police Sgt. Robert Wilson III, cut a plea deal to avoid the death penalty.

Krasner has reduced Philadelphia’s prison population, shortened probation and parole periods, and helped more accused criminals avoid prosecution.

The Philadelphia Democratic Party refused to endorse Krasner, a rare decision that bucks party traditions.

The Fraternal Order of Police in Philadelphia has endorsed Krasner’s primary opponent, Democrat Carlos Vega.

When Krasner became DA in 2017, he fired Vega, a 35-year veteran prosecutor at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office.

Vega, in his mid-60s, sued Krasner for age discrimination.

Vega has tried to combine traditional promises of law and order with far-left assurances that he will stop systemic racism.

His campaign website states that “we don’t have to choose between making our city safe and reforming our criminal justice system.”

“I think the large amount of people want common-sense reform,” Vega said to POLITICO. “They want that middle ground where we’re aware that communities of color are suffering the most with respect to violence, but also communities of color are suffering the most with respect to lack of opportunity.”

Radical leftist supporters of Krasner don’t mind the increased assault, murder, rape, and property crime that his policies have brought.

“His reelection means everything,” said Shaun King, a former surrogate for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. “We always knew that Larry, a lifelong civil rights attorney, would come in and change the system from the inside out, and that doing so would make him a major target.”

Meanwhile, Vega advertises Philadelphia’s crime statistics on his website.

“Nearly 500 people were killed and over 2,240 people were shot last year, making it one of the most violent years in the city’s history,” the website states.

“I can’t sit back and let this happen because I live in this city,” Vega told Billy Penn. “I’m very concerned about my children.”

Krasner said that the government’s criminal lockdowns caused the spike in rcime.

“What has happened, and essentially every criminologist agrees on this, is that the pandemic, closing of society and closing of so many different aspects of what protects and surrounds especially young men have disappeared,” Krasner said in an interview.

“So in every single city, you have the elimination of high schoolers being in classrooms at least for periods of time, summer camp, summer job programs, open swimming pools, open recreation centers, organized sports in school, organized sports out of school and after-school programs,” he said.

In California, San Francisco and Los Angeles have turned on their far-left district attorneys.

Like Krasner, San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin and Los Angeles DA George Gascón have treated Antifa and Black Lives Matter better than law-abiding citizens.

Both California DAs face recall efforts.

They have ended cash bail, which means that criminals are repeatedly released to commit more crimes, and law enforcement cannot meaningfully restrain them.

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