Thursday, October 17, 2024

San Fran Teachers’ Union: Shut Down the Whole System for Omicron

'All across the City, restaurants, venues, offices, and even some private schools are shutting down or halting reopening... '

Teachers in the San Francisco United School District (SFUSD) have planned what they are calling a “Sick Out,” in order to avoid teaching, Breitbart reported.

They believe that the SFUSD has failed to protect them from the Omicron variant by cancelling school and expecting them to teach children in classrooms.

Hundreds of teachers signed a petition complaining about their jobs, and the associated risk of catching a cold.

“The new Omicron surge is resulting in a staggering spike of new cases,” they wrote. “All across the City, restaurants, venues, offices, and even some private schools are shutting down or halting reopening. And yet, in SFUSD, there have been no calls to halt or even slow our return to schools as Omicron continues to surge unabated.”

They also emphasized their desire to “defend the most vulnerable members of our community,” most of whom seem to be teachers who spend their “blood, sweat, and tears to compensate for the incompetence, greed, and complacence” of school district leaders.

They then proceeded to write a list of demands, rounded out by a two-week extension of Christmas break.

“We would ideally like a two week pause before school starts to allow time for testing and sufficient masks and rapid testing supplies to be sent to ALL sites and district offices. That is still the safest course of action,” they concluded.

The Omicron variant has caused a deep divide among leftists in recent weeks, as the establishment looks to return to normal and the far-left tries to continue the lockdowns.

President Joe Biden and Mayor Lori Lightfoot both reprimanded the Chicago Teachers’ Union earlier this week for attempting to avoid going back to the classroom.

Complicating matters, Chicago and San Francisco both received millions of tax dollars to keep schools open and are now misappropriating those funds.

They have instead decided to spend that money on the development of Critical Race Theory-based curricula.

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