Friday, September 6, 2024

No Labels Files DOJ Complaint Alleging ‘Conspiracy to Subvert Voting Rights’

'Powerful forces in Washington clearly don’t respect this right and have made it their mission to prevent No Labels access to the ballot by any means necessary...'

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) The nonprofit behind the bipartisan third-party No Labels movement filed a complaint with the Department of Justice claiming that outside organizations harassed and intimidated their staff as they petitioned states to recognize them in the 2024 presidential election, Spectrum News NY1 reported.

The bipartisan group’s current goal is to lay the groundwork for a third nominee by gaining ballot access in as many states as possible. They currently have ballot lines in 14 states, with the intent to win 13 more before November.

Political players on both sides of the aisle take issue with No Label’s cause, and, according to the group, there is a racketeering conspiracy in the works against them.

The eight-page complaint to the DOJ provided audio recordings of threats from a meeting of co-conspirators who promised to dissuade and even blackmail potential candidates from running on a No Labels ticket if they found “one fingernail clipping of a skeleton.”

The group also claimed that Holly Page, co-founder of the group, was promised “she would never work in Democratic politics again,” and would “get it with both barrels” by an unnamed representative of the Lincoln Project, a NeverTrump group that fears any third-party presence in the race will draw votes away from the Democrat nominee.

The group also asked the DOJ to investigate the possibilities of extortion, oppression and interference or attempting to interfere an individual’s right to vote.

“The right to obtain a ballot line is just as protected by the U.S. Constitution as the right to register to vote,” said the group’s chief strategist, Ryan Clancy, said. “But powerful forces in Washington clearly don’t respect this right and have made it their mission to prevent No Labels access to the ballot by any means necessary.”

Despite the possible conspiracy, over one million voters signed petitions to get the No Labels candidate in their state.

The group plans to announce their nominee no later than April if they manage to forge ballot lines in more states.

They expressed interest in current presidential candidate Nikki Haley, “if she declares any interest.” The group also discussed the possibility of bringing in former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie following his failed run in the Republican primary.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., has likewise been floated as a strong possibility on a coalition ticket. Several recently retired RINO leaders, including former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, former North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory and former Utah Sen. Mitt Romney round out the field of possibilities.

Also lending cachet to the movement is longtime Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, who ran as Al Gore’s vice presidential running mate on the Democratic ticket in 2000 before later becoming an independent.

Leftist operatives quickly went on the attack, suggesting that the No Labels complaint might be over the target.

Lawfare ringleader Marc Elias, the architect of the notorious Steele dossier, said the letter was “so stupid, I wonder if they had a Trump lawyer write it.”

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