(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Top Democrats and Trumpophobes scream that President Donald J. Trump is Adolf Hitler’s fascist twin.
Translation: Trump is a Republican.
John Kelly, Trump’s disgruntled former chief of staff, said last week that Trump matches “the general definition of fascist” and “certainly prefers the dictator approach to government.”
Relying, as usual, on anonymous sources, The Atlantic’s fabulist-in-chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, “reported” that Trump said in the White House, “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had.”
Trump spokesman Alex Pfeiffer replied: “President Trump never said this.”
Regardless, Vice President Kamala Harris predicted on CNN that, if re-elected, Trump would be “a president who admires dictators and is a fascist.”
Referring to Trump’s appearance in Manhattan on Sunday, Hillary Clinton told CNN that “Trump is actually re-enacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939.”
The pro-Nazi German American Bund staged an infamous Hitler lovefest at the old MSG, complete with swastika arm bands and stiff-armed salutes.

Just like Hitler, the absurd and repugnant charge that Trump resembles the bloodthirsty, Jew-hating, tyrannical warmonger fails on two fronts:
First, Trump’s top presidential aides included his orthodox-Jewish daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. Trump welcomed his Jewish grandchildren and celebrated Hanukkah at the White House. He moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Trump’s staunchly pro-Israel policies culminated in the Abraham Accords. These four peace deals between Israel and Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, and Morocco strengthened—not weakened—the Jewish state.
Trump rejected the censorship that Kamala Harris and Democrats crave. He threw no opponents behind barbed wire, invaded zero countries, and launched no wars.
Trump’s first-term record would make Adolf Hitler vomit.
Second, “Trump = Hitler” is an exhausted cliché. As Halsten Willis detailed in Wednesday’s Washington Examiner, Democrats have been equating Republicans with Nazis for at least 60 years.
- Then-Governor Pat Brown Sr., D-Calif., decried the 1964 GOP Convention acceptance speech by Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz. Brown said it “had the stench of fascism. All we needed to hear was ‘Heil Hitler.’”
- Four years later, Democrat nominee and Vice President Hubert Humphrey said: “If the British had not fought in 1940, Hitler would have been in London, and if Democrats do not fight in 1968, Nixon will be in the White House.”
- After Republican President Gerald R. Ford pardoned Nixon post-Watergate, the American Civil Liberties Union declared, “If Ford’s principle had been the rule in Nuremberg, the Nazi leaders would have been let off, and only the people, who carried out their schemes, would have been tried.”

- Rep. William Clay, D-Mo., claimed that President Ronald Reagan hoped to “replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf,” Hitler’s notorious manifesto.
- Democrat über-donor George Soros, who actively worked with the Nazis to identify Hungarian Jews, said that Republican President George W. Bush embraced the “supremacist ideology of Nazi Germany.”
- NAACP Chairman Julian Bond said in 2006: “The Republican Party would have the American flag and the swastika flying side by side.”
- Wisconsin’s former Republican governor “Scott Walker is a fascist,” Libcom.org announced in 2011.
- South Carolina Democrat Party boss Dick Harpootlian said in 2012 that the Palmetto State’s Republican then-Gov. Nikki Haley “was down in the bunker, a la Eva Braun,” Hitler’s girlfriend and (for a few hours before their April 1945 murder–suicide) wife.
- California Democrat party chief John Burton said that a 2012 speech by 2% milquetoast Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., reminded him that “Joseph Goebbels’ concept was the big lie.” Nazi Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels was arguably Hitler’s closest and most loyal confidante.
- President Joe Biden slammed Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri for questioning the fairness of Pennsylvania’s 2020 elections. Such insolence, Biden said, recalled “Goebbels and the great lie.”
Lesson: Regarding any similarity to Adolf Hitler, Donald J. Trump is nothing special. If every Republican is Hitler, then no Republican is Hitler.
Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.