Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Leftists Attack Star QB Mahomes over Old Tweets about George Zimmerman

‘No one knows what actually happens which is why he is not guilty…’

(Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes came under fire for old tweets that resurfaced, some of which appear to have been in support of George Zimmerman.

Zimmerman garnered national headlines in 2012 when he was acquitted of homicide charges in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

At the time, Mahomes was 17 years old. He responded to a tweet that called the Zimmerman case “an absolute tragedy,” and said: “No one knows what actually happens which is why he is not guilty but a crime could have occurred.”

And in an earlier tweet, Mahomes wrote: “Stop resisting or assaulting a cop.”

Additional context, however, reveals that Mahomes and his teammates were engaged in an active discussion about Zimmerman’s trial, in which he refrained from taking a side.

And in another tweet published directly after Zimmerman’s acquittal was announced, Mahomes appeared to be disappointed that Zimmerman had walked free.

Zimmerman recently sued Trayvon Martin’s family for building the case against him on false evidence.

Martin’s family members “have worked in concert to deprive Zimmerman of his constitutional and other legal rights,” the lawsuit states, citing civil rights attorney Ben Crump’s decision to swap out a reluctant witness, Brittany Diamond Eugene, for her half-sister, Rachel Jeantel.

The suit accuses Trayvon’s parents, prosecutors and state authorities of going along with the alleged ruse, and “are alleged to either have known about or should have known about the witness fraud, obstructed justice, or lied repeatedly under oath in order to cover up their knowledge of the witness fraud.”

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