Thursday, October 17, 2024

Leftist Subway Employee Refuses to Serve Preacher Who Wore Anti-LGBT T-Shirt

'Oh, H*ll no, I'm not serving these guys...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) A Christian street preacher claimed that a leftist Subway employee in Wisconsin denied him service because he was wearing a T-shirt that declared homosexuality a sin and referenced Romans 1.

Rich Penkoski, who leads the online ministry Warriors for Christ, told The Christian Post that he is considering filing a lawsuit against the company after one of its employees recently refused him service at one of Subway’s locations in Waunakee, Wisc.

The footage of the viral incident showed an employee admitting that she was refusing to serve Penkoski for reasons she described as “a personal matter.”

“We walked in, and I heard the girl with the red hair in that video say, ‘Oh, H*ll no, I’m not serving these guys.’ And there was a customer in front of us, and she said to him, ‘Are you with these gentlemen?’ He looked back at us and goes, ‘I’m not sure these are gentlemen.’ So I took out my phone and I told the pastor sitting next to me; I said, ‘They just refused service to us!'” Penkoski said.

The Subway employee admitted that the preacher’s T-shirt was why she refused to serve him. The video didn’t show what the T-shirt said, but Penkoski told the Post that it said “homo-sex is sin” and listed “Romans 1” beneath it.

Penkoski, who was traveling with other pastors after preaching outside the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, said that what happened inside the Subway restaurant is a clear example of a double standard when it comes to denying service because the standard is only applied to the people who oppose LGBT ideology.

“[If] somebody walked in and said, ‘Oh, I’m gay or whatever,’ and I said, ‘Nope, I’m not serving you,’ this would be all over the place, and I’d be fired, or I’d be getting sued. But these LGBT people are so emboldened that they think just because they’re either gay or gay allies, they can say and do whatever they want,” he said.

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