Thursday, October 17, 2024

Federal Judge Threatens to Sanction Hunter Biden’s Lawyers for Making False Statements

'This Court has little tolerance for lack of candor from counsel … These statements … are not true, and Mr. Biden’s counsel knows they are not true...'

(Headline USA) A federal judge threatened to sanction Hunter Biden’s legal team this week for lying in a court filing, The Hill reported.

Judge Mark Scarsi demanded in an order this week that Abbe Lowell and Mark Geragos, who are leading Biden’s defense team, provide an explanation by next Wednesday as to why they made allegedly false statements about the tax fraud charges brought against Hunter Biden.

The statements in question appeared in a court filing Hunter’s lawyers made last week, in which they argued that the nine tax charges brought against Hunter by special counsel David Weiss should be tossed on the grounds that Weiss was unlawfully appointed as special counsel.

This is not the first time Hunter’s legal team has made this claim. They brought the same request to Scarsi earlier this year, but Scarsi denied it.

However, after Florida Judge Aileen Cannon ruled that special counsel Jack Smith, who brought multiple charges against former President Donald Trump, was unlawfully appointed, Biden’s attorneys made the argument again.

The spurious court filing missed entirely the point of Cannon’s ruling, which was that, unlike any other special counsel ever appointed, Smith did not come from within the Justice Department itself and, thus, had not been vetted or approved by the U.S. Senate.

That, in effect, gave Attorney General Merrick Garland an alarming amount of power to create unaccountable investigators with subpoena power who could expand their probes with unlimited resources and scope while answering to nobody in particular, all for purely political reasons.

According to Scarsi, Lowell and Geragos also failed to mention in their filing that Weiss brought his case against Hunter before he was even made special counsel.

Weiss first brought charges against Hunter in June 2023. Weiss was named special counsel only after a plea deal between Hunter’s team and the Justice Department fell apart later that summer.

That is a “meaningful distinction” between Hunter’s case and Trump’s, Scarsi argued.

“But Mr. Biden’s motion does not engage with this distinction; instead, counsel avoids the issue by misrepresenting the history of the proceedings,” the judge wrote. “This Court has little tolerance for lack of candor from counsel … These statements … are not true, and Mr. Biden’s counsel knows they are not true.”

Scarsi further threatened to sanction Lowell and Geragos if they refused to cooperate with his orders moving forward.

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