Thursday, October 17, 2024

ICE Arrests African Illegal Wanted on Terrorism Charges

'Noncitizens who are engaged in or suspected of supporting terrorism are a direct threat to our country’s national security...'

(Headline USA) Immigration and Customs Enforcement revealed this week that they arrested an illegal immigrant from Africa who is wanted on terrorism charges, two weeks after he was released into the U.S. interior thanks to the Biden administration’s immigration policies.

In a press release, ICE said the 29-year-old “Mauritanian or Senegalese citizen” was arrested on Oct. 17.

He is wanted by Senegalese authorities for criminal conspiracy in relation to a terrorist organization; destruction, degradation and damages in relation to a terrorist organization; and direct provocation of an armed crowd and acts aimed at compromising public safety, ICE said.

The illegal first entered the U.S. on Oct. 3, when he was detained by Border Patrol agents at the southern border near Lukeville, Arizona. He reportedly claimed asylum, requiring Border Patrol to release him and present him with a Notice to Appear in New York City.

A week later, ICE’s Homeland Security agents notified Enforcement and Removal Operations in New York City that the illegal was wanted on terrorism charges. ICE’s New York City Fugitive Operations team then arrested him “without incident.”

“Noncitizens who are engaged in or suspected of supporting terrorism are a direct threat to our country’s national security and will be expeditiously removed from the United States,” ERO New York City Field Office Director Kenneth Genalo said in a statement.

“ERO New York City will use every tool at our disposal to keep American citizens and residents safe from those who erroneously believe they can exploit our immigration laws to escape justice in other countries.”

The report raises concerns about the increased threat of terrorism in the U.S. due to unfettered illegal immigration across the southern border. Already this year, immigration officials encountered a record number of “special interest aliens,” including from countries such as Syria, Egypt, and Iran.

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