Saturday, September 21, 2024

Gov. Ron DeSantis Delivers Powerful Speech Defending Freedom

'We reject the biomedical security state that curtails liberty, ruins livelihoods and divides society... '

It’s that time of year when governors from all across the country deliver their State of the State addresses. Most of these speeches are easily forgotten and politically irrelevant.  However, there are some that strike a chord in the soul of the nation.

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis recently delivered a speech that sounded like a State of the Union Address or a Presidential call to action.  His soaring rhetoric and sophisticated takedown of tyrannical leaders and policies should provide nourishment to starving patriots all across the nation.

“Together we have made Florida the freest state in these United States,” DeSantis declared. “While so many around the country have consigned the people’s rights to the graveyard, Florida has stood as freedom’s vanguard.”

DeSantis delivered a devastating blow to tyrannical orders and forced vaccinations.

“Florida has become the escape hatch for those chafing under authoritarian, arbitrary and seemingly never-ending mandates and restrictions,” he said.

DeSantis attacked vaccine passports, harmful school closures, draconian mask mandates and discriminatory employment restrictions.

“Americans are being denied freedoms due to a coercive biomedical apparatus,” DeSantis stated, and lashed out at tyrannical policies that do more harm than good.

“Florida is a free state,” he said. “We reject the biomedical security state that curtails liberty, ruins livelihoods and divides society. And we will protect the rights of individuals to live their lives free from the yoke of restrictions and mandates.”

DeSantis addressed all the hot topics facing the nation including immigration, where he did not tame his rhetoric. He called President Joe Biden’s open borders policy “lawless” and claimed the federal government was running a “massive human smuggling operation.”  

DeSantis’s message on preserving the constitution and fighting for individual freedom was noticeably throughout his speech.

“Our constitutional rights have been under assault on a number of fronts and Florida has stood tall in defending the rights of its people,”  DeSantis said.

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