Friday, June 14, 2024

Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma CEOs Hit w/ Lawsuit Alleging Crimes Against Humanity

'Stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately [because] another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes....'

A former Pfizer executive and several other plaintiffs filed a lawsuit that alleges crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court on Dec. 6, LifeSiteNews reported.

The case targets UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, US coronavirus czar Anthony Fauci, Big Tech oligarchs Bill and Melinda Gates, Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla, AstraZeneca CEO Stephanie Bancel, Moderna CEO Pascal Soriot, Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky, World Economic Forum executive chairman Klaus Schwab, and others.

Former Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon filed the lawsuit along with plaintiffs Piers Corbyn (an astrophysicist who said COVID-19 shots contain poisonous materials), Mark Sexton, John O’Loony, Johnny McStay and Louise Shotbolt.

The lawsuit also alleges that these globalist leaders committed “numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code … war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom.”

The British plaintiffs failed to have their case heard in England, so they have taken it to the world court with “the utmost urgency” in an effort to “stop the rollout of COVID vaccinations, introduction of unlawful vaccination passports and all other types of illegal warfare … being waged against the people of the UK.”

These war crimes also include the “destruction of wealth and businesses,” “severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law,” “expected reduction in fertility” and other adverse effects after receiving the COIVD-19 shots.

The plaintiffs make several additional claims.

World leaders purposefully inflated COVID-19 case rates through “completely unreliable” PCR testing and death rates by counting anyone who died within 28 days of a positive test result as a COVID death.

“These deaths are being recorded as Covid-19 regardless of whether Covid-19 was the factual cause of death,” the lawsuit states.

The plaintiffs allege that masks cause hypoxia (inadequate oxygen intake) and hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide intake), and other dangerous side effects.

They have asked the ICC to “stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately” because “another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes.”

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