Friday, July 26, 2024

Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Exposed as Radical Leftist Operative w/ Deep-State Ties

Being advised by Jen Psaki's former PR firm and lawyer who represented phony Trump 'whistleblower' Eric Ciaramella during Ukraine impeachment hoax...

Frances Haugen, the Facebook whistleblower who called for more political censorship on the platform, has donated to radical Democrats and has retained the same lawyer as the Ukraine whistleblower whose unfounded allegations led to former President Donald Trump‘s first impeachment.

Sunday night’s 60 Minutes interview made clear to many that Haugen had a far-left political agenda after she unveiled new allegations attempting to link the social-media giant to the Jan. 6 uprising at the US Capitol.

But reporting from The Daily Wire on Tuesday—as she testified before Congress—confirmed suspicions that Haugen likely has ties to the same administrative-state operatives who for years worked to undermine Trump’s presidency.

Among the many ties uncovered was that Haugen was being represented by the “strategic” public-relations firm Bryson Gillette, which was founded by a former Obama administration aide and previously employed White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, according to the Free Beacon.

Haugen also has donated to political candidates 20 times since the 2016 election cycle, and all went to Democrats, according to reports from the Federal Election Commission.

This January, Haugen donated both to socialist New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio–Cortez‘s congressional campaign and her PAC, Courage to Change. She also has donated to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Despite having money to fund radical leftists, Haugen had a federal tax lien of $44,000 on her that persisted from January 2020 to May 2021.

The law firm representing Haugen, Whistleblower Aid, was founded by Mark Zaid.

Zaid is the attorney who represented Eric Ciaramella, the alleged anti-Trump CIA whistleblower whose complaint to the intelligence community inspector general in coordination with the office of House Intel Committee Chair Adam Schiff, D-Calif., launched the 2019 Ukraine hoax.

Trump was later acquitted by the US Senate, and recovered files from the abandoned laptop of Hunter Biden are among the documents that subsequently have shown he was justified in asking the Ukrainian president to re-open a corruption probe against the energy company Burisma.

The current spectacle also calls to mind the 2018 testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, who attempted to derail the Supreme Court nomination of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh with baseless rape accusations and later used crowdfunding sites to profit off her notoriety.

Whistleblower Aid has requested $100,000 on GoFundMe on Haugen’s behalf “to make sure she’s got the backup she needs as she stands up to speak the truth.”

In Haugen’s previous roles at Google, Pinterest, and Gigster, she pushed anti-white Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology. She gave at a speech at Google in 2015 on “The Intersection of Product Management and Gender.”

“I didn’t realize the way I had been worn down by being a woman in tech,” she said. “The last team I was on at Google, it had a transsexual Eng[ineering] director, and as a result we had more transsexual women [biological males] than cis women on our team, which also says something sad about the number of women in tech.”

She said that women do not have enough high-ranking roles in technology companies.

“You don’t see them in major tech companies and when you do see them in major tech companies you see them in places that are in support roles like marketing or perhaps sales. I think that’s a problem,” she said.

At Pinterest, Haugen advocated for a “recent change to give users the option to filter searches to specific skin tones.”

At Gigster, she spoke about the need to “build with an eye towards inclusion” or else “we can end up enshrining bias.”

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