Saturday, June 15, 2024

Dem. Gov. Declares ‘State of Emergency’ over Expanded School Choice, Parental Rights

'Once again, we see leaders in government telling you that they know what's best for your child... '

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) In what was ripped as a stunning display of hypocrisy, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat who sent his kids to a $28,000-a-year private school, declared that a GOP plan to give parents access to expanded school-choice options constituted a “state of emergency.”

Cooper said he was committed to sidetracking proposed GOP state legislation that would increase teacher pay, broaden access to school choice and bolster parental rights. The gaslighting governor conceded that his proclamation of a so-called state of emergency had no official import, but nevertheless decided to use the inflammatory and divisive rhetoric because “the general public doesn’t realize the disaster that is brewing.”

The disaster is of Cooper’s own making, countered Republicans, and in response GOP lawmakers crafted a plan that hikes teacher pay by up to 10.2% over two years, expands options to allow education vouchers for families of any income level and keeps school children safe from being indoctrinated by an aggressive LGBT grooming agenda pushed by state Democrats.

“It’s clear that the Republican legislature is aiming to choke the life out of public education,” speechified Cooper, who was roundly blasted for sending his own kids to a pricey private school.

“Nice schools for me but not for thee,” cracked one commentator, while another claimed, “No surprise that Cooper behaves like an elitist hypocrite.”

“The true emergency here is that the governor is advocating for systems rather than students themselves,” said state Rep. Tricia Cotham, whose recent flip to the GOP gave Republicans a veto-proof legislative majority. “Education is not one-size-fits-all and NC families should have the freedom to determine what kind of education is best for them.”

Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, who is running to knock off Cooper, ripped the governor for playing cheap politics at the expense of students and teachers.

“Once again, we see leaders in government telling you that they know what’s best for your child. Our Governor has gone so far as to use the words ‘state of emergency’ as a political prop,” Robinson wrote. “However, words like this weren’t said when Democrats had control of the legislature and teachers were receiving pay cuts and being furloughed.”

By contrast, Robinson credited GOP lawmakers for “allowing families to chart their own educational destinies because they know what their children need better than a bureaucrat.”

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