Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Colbert Insists J16 Insurrectionists Were ‘Just Doing Their Job’

'It’s going to take a lot of therapy before we can recapture the carefree innocence Stephen Colbert stole from us... '

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) Alleged comedian Stephen Colbert said his staff who illegally entered the Capital Building and caused a disruption were just taking orders.

On June 16, seven individuals “affiliated with the television program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” were arrested  by the U.S. Capitol Police for illegally entering the capital building after being directed to leave because they were causing disturbances by “banging on office doors.”

Colbert’s staffers were not banging on random doors, but those of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Lauren Bobert, R-Colo., according to Fox News.

A Democrat member of Congress has reported such banging as a fearful and traumatizing event. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., reported that a loud banging on her door caused her to hide in her bathroom and think that “everything was over” on Jan. 6, 2020.

Colbert offered an explanation for the behavior of his staff on his show, saying that, “This was hijinks with intent to goof.”

Colbert reported that those he was directing, “[his] staff,” were “doing some last-minute puppetry and jokey make-em-ups in a hallway, when … my folks were approached and detained by the Capitol Police.”

Colbert’s explanation of J16 is radically different from that of J6. Regarding the events of Jan. 6, the leftist clown defined this kind of behavior as domestic terrorism on his comedy show.

Fox News Tucker Carlson expressed the disgust and concern felt by many after the events of J16.

“We’re scarred by what we saw last week. It’ll be a long time before we can revisit the Capitol again. It’s going to take a lot of therapy before we can recapture the carefree innocence Stephen Colbert stole from us.”

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