Tuesday, September 24, 2024


REPORT: Hypocrite Maxine Waters Sought Police Escort to Cop-Bashing BLM Rally

Editor's Note: Read more on the fallout from Maxine Waters's incitement scandal here. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., reportedly asked for police protection during her trip to Minnesota, where she encouraged Black Lives Matter protesters to get “more confrontational” if Derek Chauvin, the former police officer involved in the death of...

Left-Wing Media Hacks Go to Bat For Maxine Waters

Editor's Note: Read more on the fallout from Maxine Waters's incitement scandal here. Left-wing pundits ran to the defense of Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., after she faced heavy criticism for encouraging Black Lives Matter protesters to become “more confrontational” if Derek Chauvin, the officer involved in the death of George...

Parler Agrees to Let Big Tech Filter Content in Return for Re-Platforming

After Apple faced harsh backlash for colluding with other tech companies to censor conservative supporters of former president Donald Trump, it agreed Monday to allow Parler back on its app store. However, the deal kept open the possibility that Apple may yet censor Parler content deemed to be too conservative. The social-media...

Maxine Waters: ‘Bully’ GOP Trying to Send ‘White Supremacists’ After Her

Editor's Note: Read more on the fallout from Maxine Waters's incitement scandal here. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., accused Republican lawmakers of trying to bully her into silence after they threatened to censure her over her comments encouraging national violence. “I am nonviolent,” Waters claimed in an interview with The Grio on...

Republican Lawmakers Push for Tougher Consequences Against Violent Rioting

Several Republicans are taking action to protect their communities from violent riots in light of the past year’s unrest and prospects of more devastation ahead pending the verdict of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the George Floyd murder trial. A Minnesota state lawmaker introduced a bill this week...

Border No-Show Kamala Harris Has Photo-Op at NC Civil Rights Landmark

(Headline USA) Vice President Kamala Harris continued to draw criticism on Monday for her blatant lack of concern with the US--Mexico border crisis. After Harris openly defied President Joe Biden by refusing to step into a role overseeing the chaotic surge of illegal immigrants, the head of the union representing...

Portland Rioters Finally Have an Excuse after Recent Police Shooting

(Headline USA) In the wake of a shooting last week involving a protestor whose gun turned out to be fake, far-left anarchists in Portland, Oregon, who have been continuously rioting since last summer, finally claimed to have a valid reason. Calling for the abolition of police, some of the rioters...

Biden Considers Stepping into Chauvin Debate, Regardless of Verdict

(Headline USA) Following in the footsteps of his former boss, Barack Obama, President Joe Biden is considering whether to step into the debate pending a verdict in the trial of former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin. As it did during the Obama administration, such a move would be sure to...

Blinken Defends Biden’s Broken Refugee Promise, Blames Trump

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that President Joe Biden's administration will not be able to meet its promised goal of 62,000 refugee admissions. In an interview with ABC on Sunday, Blinken defended the 15,000-refugee cap initially set by former president Donald Trump, reported the Epoch Times. "It’s going to be...

As Jan. 6 Claims Unravel, DOJ Continues Capitol Crackdown, Arrests Proud Boys

(Headline USA) On the same day as a major blow to the false narrative put forth by Democrats regarding the Jan. 6 uprising at the US Capitol, the Biden Justice Department continued ruthlessly targeting conservative pro-freedom dissidents over their participation. A federal judge on Monday ordered two more leaders of...

SCOTUS Case Pits ‘Protected’ Asylum Claimants Against Other Illegal Immigrants

(Headline USA) The Supreme Court appeared poised Monday to block thousands of specially designated asylum seekers from applying to receive permanent resident status after other immigrant groups complained of special treatment. The justices seemed favorable, in arguments via telephone, to the case made by the Biden administration that federal immigration...

Mexican Pres. to Press Biden for Visas, Citizenship on Behalf of Migrant Workers

(Headline USA) Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Monday he will ask U.S. President Joe Biden to give work visas to Mexican farmers who participate in a government tree-planting program. López Obrador touted the program as a way to help the United States regulate migration. The United States “is looking...
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