Saturday, June 15, 2024


Republicans Probe Biden’s Illegal Appointment of Podesta to Replace Kerry

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Republicans in Congress intensified their investigation into Joe Biden’s illegal appointment of John Podesta, a notorious Pizzagate leader, as a replacement for an ex-"climate change" tsar John Kerry, accusing the White House of doing an end-run around a law requiring Senate confirmation of special envoys. In...

REVIEW: Dylan Mulvaney Releases Heavily Autotuned Pop Song

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney released a pop song titled "Days of Girlhood," as a response to the haters of last year's botched Bud Light campaign. The song is part of a partnership with the infamous Trevor Project, which has been accused inappropriate child-grooming. All proceeds go to...

Screw Impeachment: GOP Opts to Keep Biden, Play Long Game

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) House Republicans are debating whether to prepare criminal referrals against those implicated in the impeachment inquiry involving President Joe Biden, potentially paving the way for indictments in a new Republican administration.  The move arises from Republicans' inability to gather sufficient votes to pass an impeachment resolution against...

Bernie Berates Fox Reporter for Asking about Proposed 4-Day Work Week

(Headline USA) Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., lashed out at a Fox Business reporter who questioned him about a proposal to cut the work week by an entire business day while forcing companies to pay the difference. "I can yell as loud as you," Sanders said, while repeatedly interrupting correspondent Hillary Vaughn. It...

U.S. Military Academy Drops ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ from Mission Statement

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) The once-prestigious U.S. Military Academy at West Point has dropped part of its motto that read, "Duty, Honor, Country," Newsmax reported. The cutting of the language signals the excising of the commitments that the American military's officers-in-training used to follow. The words will be replaced, according...

Trump White House Official Peter Navarro Heading to Jail after Appeals Court Ruling

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The DC Circuit Court of Appeals has denied former Trump White House official Peter Navarro’s attempt to avoid prison for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena from the politically driven Jan. 6 Commission—meaning that the 74-year-old man must report to jail on Monday. Navarro was convicted of two...

RNC Sues Michigan over Fake Voter on Voter Rolls

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) The Republican National Committee announced that it will sue Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson because the Democrat-run state continues to allow large numbers of fake voters onto its rolls. The lawsuit alleges that Benson violated the National Voter Registration Act’s requirement to maintain up-to-date voter...

Menendez Receiving Donations from Iranian Marxist ‘Ex-Terror Group’

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Responsible Statecraft published an analysis Wednesday showing that New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez’s legal defense fund is receiving donations from contributors linked to an Iranian group that used to be listed as a terror organization by the State Department. Menendez and his wife face multiple charges...

The Federal Budget Deficit Was Back to Normal in February — Massive

(Mike Maharrey, Money Metals News Service) Thanks to record tax receipts, the January budget deficit was "only" $21.93 billion in January.  In February, government receipts fell back to normal. Spending was normal too - normally high. As a result, the February budget deficit was back to normal - massive. The Biden...

Pentagon Flagged Secret Backdoor Codes to Chinese Safes, but Didn’t Warn Public

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., revealed Wednesday that the Defense Department has concealed the possibility that the Chinese government may possess backdoor codes to electronic locks made in that country. According to Wyden, three companies manufacture the vast majority of electronic safe locks used in the United...

Report: DOJ Prosecutors Leaked Classified Info to a Neo-Nazi

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Lawyers for the Justice Department have inadvertently leaked classified information to a neo-Nazi facing charges of plotting to attack the power grid, according to a report earlier this month from Raw Story. The neo-Nazi, Marine Corps veteran Jordan Duncan, was set to stand trial this month....

DOJ Inspector General Not Investigating Civil Rights Abuse Complaints

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Section 1001 of the Patriot Act mandates the Justice Department’s Inspector General to review complaints of civil rights abuses from the public. But while the DOJ Inspector General received 739 complaints during the last six months of 2023, none resulted in investigations being opened, according to...
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