Saturday, September 28, 2024


ANOTHER TRUMP DEAL: Sudan to Join UAE, Bahrain in Recognizing Israel

(Associated Press) President Donald Trump announced Friday that Sudan will start to normalize ties with Israel, making it the third Arab state to do so as part of U.S.-brokered deals in the run-up to Election Day. The deal, which would deepen Sudan’s engagement with the West, follows Trump's conditional agreement this...

Trump Campaign Videos Illegal Multiple-Ballot Drop Offs in Pa.

(Associated Press) The Trump campaign has videotaped people as they deposit ballots in drop boxes in Philadelphia in what it says is an attempt to catch violations, surveillance that the battleground state’s Democratic attorney general suggested that, without evidence, could amount to illegal intimidation. The campaign acknowledged the taping in a...

Senate GOP Marches Ahead on Barrett Over Democrats’ Blockade Efforts

(Headline USA) The Senate is gearing up for a rare weekend session as Republicans race to put Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court and shift it in a conservative direction before Election Day, despite Democratic efforts to stall President Donald Trump's nominee. Democrats used time-consuming procedural hurdles to delay the...

Teen Sues Fla. School District Over His Trump Elephant

(Associated Press) A high school student is suing his central Florida school district after his parking pass was revoked when he refused to remove a large elephant statue painted to promote President Donald Trump from the bed of his pickup truck. Tyler Maxwell, 18, told Fox 35 in Orlando that his...

BIDEN BLUNDER? Oil ‘Has to Be Replaced’; May Hurt Him in Pa., Texas

(Headline USA) Democrat Joe Biden's remark that he would “transition” away from oil in the U.S. in favor of renewable energy drew quick attention Thursday night from President Donald Trump, who saw it as a boon to his election chances in key states. “I would transition away from the oil industry,...

Debate Moderator Welker Interrupted Trump Way More than Biden

(Headline USA) Moderator Kristen Welker — with the help of an offstage mute button — helped give Americans the substantive, crackling debate over leadership that had been missing so far during the 2020 presidential campaign. Still the liberal-leaning reporter, with her choice of issues to cover and far more interruptions of...

Trump Posts Unedited ’60 Minutes’ Interview Before CBS Can Edit & Air It

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump posted his full, unedited interview with “60 Minutes” on Facebook before the show’s scheduled Sunday broadcast. The footage shows unrelenting prickly questions and interruptions by CBS anchor Lesley Stahl on a host of topics, including his response to the coronavirus pandemic, his alleged slipping support among...

Seattle, Portland, New York Sue Over Trump’s ‘Anarchy’ Label

(Headline USA) New York, Seattle and Portland — three cities recently labeled “anarchist jurisdictions” by the U.S. Justice Department — filed a lawsuit Thursday to invalidate the designation and fight off the Trump administration's efforts to withhold federal dollars. “The Trump administration’s political threats against Seattle and other Democratic cities are...

Mitt Romney Voted Early, but Not for Trump

(Associated Press) Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said Wednesday that he's voted in the Nov. 3 election — but not for the leader of his party. "I did not vote for President Trump,” the Utah senator told CNN. He did not say whom he did vote for. It was the latest chapter in the...

UPDATE: Senate Judiciary Committee Advances Barrett Nomination Despite Dem Boycott

UPDATE VIA AP: The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to advance Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate as Republicans powered past Democrats' boycott of the session. Democratic senators refused to show up in protest of the GOP's rush to install President Donald Trump's nominee to replace...

In Pitch for Biden, Obama Urges Voters to Cast Trump Out

(Headline USA) Former President Barack Obama blasted President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, his culpability in national discord and his overall fitness for the job on Wednesday as he made his first in-person campaign pitch for his former vice president, Joe Biden. With less than two weeks before Election Day,...

Trump Tells Western Pa. Voters — WITH EVIDENCE — That Biden Will End Fracking

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump is hopping from one must-win stop on the electoral map to the next in the lead-up to a final presidential debate. Democrat Joe Biden has taken the opposite approach, staying off the road and holing up for debate prep in advance of Thursday's faceoff in...
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