Saturday, June 29, 2024


Let it Flow: Trump Administration Eases Showerhead Rules

(Headline USA) The Trump Administration wants to change the definition of a showerhead to let more water flow, which could reduce the length of time Americans need to take their showers. President Donald Trump has made increasing water flow and dialing back long held appliance conservation standards — from light bulbs...

Interest in Homeschooling has ‘Exploded’ Amid Pandemic

(Associated Press) As parents nationwide prepare to help their children with more distance learning, a small but quickly growing number are deciding to take matters entirely into their own hands and begin homeschooling. Some are worried their districts are unable to offer a strong virtual learning program. For others who may...

JUDGE: Homeless Can Occupy Parks — Cities CANNOT Fine or Remove Them

(Associated Press) An Oregon city has joined Boise, Idaho, in eliciting a precedent-setting court ruling that could change how cities nationwide cite and fine people living outside. A U.S. judge decided last week that Grants Pass, Oregon, violated its homeless residents’ Eighth Amendment rights by excluding them from parks without due...

Ilhan Omar Holds Off Well-Funded Primary Challenger

(Associated Press) Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota survived a stiff Democratic primary challenge Tuesday from a well-funded opponent who tried to make an issue of her national celebrity, the latest in a string of victories by a new generation of emboldened progressive lawmakers. Omar, seeking her second term in November, easily...

Seattle’s Police Chief Quits Over Lack of Respect for Officers

(Associated Press) Efforts to cut spending on police — a key demand of anti-racism demonstrators across the nation — have claimed an unlikely target: Seattle's first black police chief, who enjoyed deep support in its minority communities, is stepping down in protest. Carmen Best announced her retirement Monday night, just hours...

Most Portland Rioters Will NOT Be Prosecuted

(Headline USA) People who have been arrested since late May on non-violent misdemeanor charges during protests that have racked Oregon’s largest city for more than 70 days won't be prosecuted. The new policy announced Tuesday dismisses the often violent protests in Portland as well as recognizing the more practical realities of...

Seattle Police Chief to Resign Following Department Budget Cuts

(Associated Press) Seattle's police chief says she is stepping down, a move made public the same day the City Council approved reducing the department by as many as 100 officers through layoffs and attrition. Carmen Best, the city’s first black police chief, said in a letter to the department that her...

Trump Whisked Away from News Conference After Shooting Near White House

(Associated Press) A uniformed Secret Service officer shot and wounded a man during a confrontation near the White House that led to President Donald Trump being abruptly escorted out of a briefing room during a televised news conference Monday, authorities said. The White House complex was not breached and no one...

Cuomo Cloaks New York’s True Nursing Home Death Toll in Secrecy

(Headline USA) Riverdale Nursing Home in the Bronx appears, on paper, to have escaped the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, with an official state count of just four deaths in its 146-bed facility. The truth, according to the home, is far worse: 21 dead, most transported to hospitals before they succumbed. “It...

Dem Voters to Decide Today Whether Ilhan Omar Deserves Re-Election

(Headline USA) Rep. Ilhan Omar is about to learn whether voters in her Minneapolis-area congressional district support the mix of confrontational, anti-Trump progressivism and celebrity that she brings to the job. Omar, the first Somali American and one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, is facing a surprisingly...

Trump Narrows His Convention Speech Options to Two Locations

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump said Monday that his acceptance speech for the Republican presidential nomination will be held at either the White House or the Gettysburg battlefield. “We have narrowed the Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech, to be delivered on the final night of the Convention (Thursday), to two locations -...

More Than 100 Arrests, 13 Officers Hurt Amid Looting in Upscale Chicago District

(Headline USA) More than 100 people were arrested Monday following a night of looting and unrest that left 13 officers injured and caused damage in Chicago's upscale Magnificent Mile shopping district and other parts of the city, authorities said. Police Superintendent David Brown said it “was not an organized protest” but...
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