Saturday, September 21, 2024


Dems Want Funding for Media Included In Next Congressional Relief Package

'Do not block emergency aid you do not oppose just because you want something more...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) More than a dozen Senate Democrats are demanding that Congress’s next relief package include funding for the media, arguing that communities across the country could lose access to the news because...

REP. COLLINS: Loeffler’s Latest Stock Sell-Off ‘Is Essentially a Guilty Plea’

'She’s less credible than the Chinese government...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Facing added pressure from both from colleagues and voters after an alleged insider-trading scandal, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., announced that she and her husband planned to cash out their individual stock holdings and invest, instead, in mutual funds. My husband & I...

Chicago Mayor Ignores Shelter Order to Get Haircut: ‘I Care About Personal Hygiene’

'I need to make sure that I am out there and visible through this crisis...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After Democratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was criticized for violating her own shelter-in-place order to get a haircut, she defended the decision as necessary since she’s the “public face” of the...

POLL: Rep. Doug Collins Is Beating Sen. Kelly Loeffler in Ga. Senate Race

Collins's internal polling has incumbent trailing both him and Democratic candidate... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Georgia GOP Rep. Doug Collins holds a significant lead over Sen. Kelly Loeffler in the intra-party competition for Loeffler’s Senate seat, according to a new internal poll conducted for Collins’s campaign. The Battleground Connect survey, conducted for Collins's...

Memos Show ‘Unqualified’ COVID Adviser Navarro Predicted Toll Before Fauci

'With all due respect to Dr. Navarro, whose expertise is in other areas, he is woefully unqualified for this task...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Once again, a left-wing attempt to spin an anti-Trump narrative from the coronavirus response was debunked after President Donald Trump's longtime economic adviser was revealed to...

Detroit Dem.: Trump’s Support for Disputed COVID Treatment Saved Her Life

'He is the only person who has the power to make it a priority...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Democratic Michigan state Rep. Karen Whitsett said she believes hydroxychloroquine allowed her body to defeat the coronavirus. She spoke with media including Fox News' Laura Ingraham to thank President Donald Trump for publicly...

Horowitz’s Anger at IG Colleague’s Firing Puts Trump in Precarious Position

'The Inspector General Community will continue to conduct aggressive, independent oversight of the agencies that we oversee...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Contrary to left-wing claims, President Donald Trump may have been entirely justified in his firing of former Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson last Friday. But Trump may, nonetheless, face...

Dems Struggle to Compete w/ Trump on Coronavirus Messaging

'The reality is that the former vice president is in a terrible position in the sense that he doesn’t have a platform...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Congressional Democrats are struggling to show voters that they are also leading the fight against the coronavirus pandemic as President Donald Trump takes the...

Dems to Blame for Atkinson’s Firing after Weaponizing Whistleblower Process

'The man is a disgrace to I.G.s. He’s a total disgrace...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump's Friday night dismissal of former Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson provoked a new wave of misleading claims and revisionism in the recent left-wing impeachment saga. But the president's critics predictably ignored the...

WaPo Repeatedly Calls Out Biden’s Coronavirus Lies

'The blatant way the Biden camp isolated remarks about the American Dream pushed us to Four Pinocchios...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Joe Biden has a problem telling the truth about the Wuhan virus and President Donald Trump. But it’s not the Trump administration, Fox News, or the president’s reelection campaign that’s...

More & More Congress Members Want China Punished Over Virus

'Since day one, the Chinese Communist Party intentionally lied to the world about the origin of this pandemic...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) U.S. Rep. John Curtis has joined a growing list of elected officials calling for China to be held accountable for the Wuhan virus catastrophe. The Utah Republican introduced legislation last week...

NC Gov. Closes Breweries But Keeps ‘Essential’ Gov’t-Run Liquor Stores Open

'Bars and restaurants are closed so there’s no other real place to get alcohol and people are stuck at home...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) North Carolina’s Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper ordered “non-essential” businesses to close on Friday, as part of a statewide stay-at-home executive action intended to stop the spread...
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