Saturday, September 28, 2024


Trump’s Ga. Lead Narrows in Savannah Area as Judge Dismisses Lawsuit on Mystery Ballots

Georgia expected to be nearing the end of its extended ballot counting on Thursday afternoon. But the battle in the Peach State may not be over yet following irregularities in many of the historically red state's outlying blue regions, such as the counties encompassing Atlanta and Savannah. The latest ballot dumps...

Pressure Grows for Fox News, AP to Retract Premature Arizona Calls for Biden

Not long after Fox News called Arizona for Democrat Joe Biden on election night, the typically conservative-oriented network appeared to be embarrassed by it. Having clearly heard from livid Trump campaign officials that there were still many uncounted votes that would be favorable for the president in areas like the...

Dems in Fla.: ‘An Unacceptable Record of Futility’

(Headline USA) Perhaps only in Florida is a loss by fewer than 4 percentage points considered a public drubbing. In a state famous for razor-thin margins, the size of former Vice President Joe Biden's loss to President Donald Trump was humiliating for Democrats and sent many searching for answers to how...

House Democrats Fume; Some Want Leadership Shake-Up After GOP Gains

House Democrats have spent the past few days infighting and pointing fingers after Republicans gained several seats on Tuesday, according to multiple reports. Democrats expected to expand their majority by nearly a dozen seats — even in Republican strongholds. But Republicans defied the polls and not only defended their close seats,...

As Redistricting Battles Approach, GOP Blocks Dems’ Big-Money Push to Control Statehouses

(Headline USA) After a costly and intense political battle for control of state capitols, the composition of state legislatures and governors' offices will look a lot like it did before Tuesday's elections. That means Republicans will again control significantly more states than Democrats, giving the GOP greater power over the...

Pennsylvania Gov. Dismisses Concerns About Voter Fraud As Trump Points Out Red Flags

Pennsylvania Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf claimed on Wednesday that President Donald Trump’s concerns about voter fraud in the state are a “partisan attack” on the election process. Let’s be clear: This is a partisan attack on Pennsylvania’s elections, our votes, and democracy. Our counties are working tirelessly to process votes as...

FRAUD ALERT: Why Did Biden Gets 100 PERCENT of Mich. and Wisc. Votes in Wee Hours?

Shenanigans unfolded exactly as predicted in several blue-led battleground states where President Donald Trump translated a heavy campaign presence into encouraging leads only to see them suspiciously erode overnight. On the plus side, it looks like Democrats finally figured out how to flatten the curve. — Andy Swan (@AndySwan) November 4,...

Sharpie Controversy Leads GOP Outrage over Ariz. Voter Suppression, Fraud

President Donald Trump's campaign remained confident that media who prematurely called Arizona for Democrat challenger Joe Biden would be forced to dial back those claims when all votes were tallied. "When we look at Arizona, we believe that President Trump will win somewhere in the neighborhood of 30,000 votes,” Stepien...

Conservative, Pro-Life Women Make Big Gains in House Races

Democrats led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had hoped to expand their majority on Tuesday, but a string of races show Democrats losing ground rather than gaining it. Conservative women, particularly, surged victory against their Democratic opponents, in what one pro-life group called a “stunning blow to Nancy Pelosi...

Despite So-Called 2020 Racial ‘Reckoning,’ Liberal Calif. REJECTS Affirmative Action

(Headline USA) A national awakening on race drove a well-funded campaign in California to reinstate affirmative action, but the measure allowing the nation’s most populated state to grant preferential treatment based on race and gender failed. With more than 11 million votes tallied Wednesday, Proposition 16 had only 44% approval, while...

UPDATE: Maine Sen. Susan Collins Retains Her Seat in Hotly Contested Race

UPDATE 2:00 PM VIA AP: Republican U.S. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine has won the hardest-fought race of her career, turning back a challenge by Democrat Sara Gideon and surviving to serve a fifth term. Collins, one of four candidates on the ballot, won a majority of first-place votes. That meant...

Presidency Hinges on Tight Battleground Races; Biden Takes Lead in Mich.

(Headline USA) The fate of the United States presidency hung in the balance Wednesday morning, as President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden battled for three familiar battleground states — Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — that could prove crucial in determining who wins the White House. It was unclear when...
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