Friday, September 20, 2024


DESANTIS: Even Democrats Relocating to Fla. ‘Overwhelmingly’ Support GOP

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said that the people who have moved to his free state---including disaffected Democrats who abandoned locked-down blue states---are "overwhelmingly" registering as Republicans, according to the Epoch Times. "The media, at the beginning of this, said Florida’s bad, and I think it’s because they want to damage...

BIDEN BLOW-OUT: Proposes $6T Federal Budget Laden w/ Out-of-Control Spending

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden proposed a $6 trillion budget for next year on Friday that fails to slow spiking government debt, instead seeking tax hikes on corporations --- which ultimately hit consumers --- and on the "wealthy," to pay for ambitious infrastructure and safety-net programs. Biden has already announced major plans...

After National Criticism, Whitmer’s Campaign to Pay for Mandate-Defying Fla. Flight

(Scott McClallen, The Center Square) Months after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer flew on a secret trip to Florida, Michiganders are starting to find answers. Whitmer's campaign committee will pay for her March Florida flight to visit her father after she initially attempted to use a nonprofit to charter the flight through a...

Paul Ryan to GOP: Reject Trump and ‘2nd-Rate Imitations’

(Headline USA) Emerging from two years of relative silence, former House Speaker Paul Ryan has joined the fight against Donald Trump, urging fellow conservatives to reject the former president's divisive politics and those Republican leaders who emulate him. Ryan made his remarks during a Thursday evening address at the Ronald Reagan...

GAETZ: If Trump Opts Out in 2024, ‘I Could Defeat Whatever Remains’ of Biden

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., hinted at a possible presidential bid in a text message to the New York Post on Wednesday under the condition that former president Donald Trump decided to take a pass. Gaetz, who turned 39 earlier this month was a staunch Trump supporter and ally during his...

Top Wisc. Republican to Hire Ex-Police Investigators for Probe of 2020 Election

A top Republican state lawmaker in Wisconsin plans to hire three retired police officers and an attorney to investigate vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos announced on Wednesday he would give the investigation a broad mandate that will allow the officers to pursue credible...

Biden’s Energy Sec.: Russia’s Pipeline Carries ‘Dirtiest Natural Gas on Earth’

President Joe Biden has undermined America's natural gas production and transportation, but he lifted sanctions on Russia's state-owned Nord Stream 2, which his own energy secretary said will transport the "dirtiest form of natural gas on Earth" to Germany. At a hearing on Thursday, Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., questioned Energy...

Biden Admin Still Concealing Crisis in Border Facilities; Denies Access to GOP Lawmakers

The Biden administration on Tuesday denied a dozen Republican lawmakers access to a Texas border facility run by the Drug Enforcement Administration. The delegation of 12 GOP congressmen was physically restricted from entering the El Paso Intelligence Center during their visit to the southern border, Fox News reported. For weeks,...

Biden’s ATF Pick Would Ban ‘Every Single Modern Sporting Rifle in America Today’

President Joe Biden’s pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and Explosives confirmed he is a radical gun-control advocate this week during his Senate confirmation hearing. When pressed by Republican senators, David Chipman, a longtime gun-control lobbyist, admitted he supports a ban on so-called assault-style weapons. Chipman even...

Texas Gov. Signs Bill Prohibiting Municipalities from Banning Natural Gas Use

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill into law that prohibits cities from banning natural gas utilities. Because it received overwhelming support in the House and the Senate, the law takes effect immediately. House Bill 17 was introduced by state Rep. Joe Deshotel, D-Beaumont, in response to...

Anti-Gun Former Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO May Run for Senate

(Headline USA) A billionaire businessman with a controversial record on guns may be considering a run for Senate. Rumors among political strategists and other key stakeholders point to former CEO of Dick's Sporting Goods, Ed Stack, as the potential replacement for outgoing Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa. Breitbart spoke with Dan Garcia,...

Trump, Gingrich Collaborating on New ‘Contract with America’ Ahead of 2022 Midterms

Former president Donald Trump is reportedly working with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., on a new policy agenda for the Republican Party ahead of the 2022 midterm election. The policy framework will be modeled after Gingrich’s 1994 "Contract with America," which helped Republicans reclaim control of Congress in a...
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