Friday, September 20, 2024


GOP Rep. Nunes Demands Names of Scientists Behind COVID ‘Origins’ Report

House Republicans are demanding that intelligence officials reveal the identities of the scientists behind a recent report on the origins of COVID-19, which downplayed the theory that COVID-19 escaped from a Wuhan lab. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said lawmakers cannot have any...

Va. Democrats Nervous Over Gap Closing in Governor’s Race

(Headline USA) Richard Stuart, a longtime Republican state senator in Virginia, got three days' notice this summer to help pull together a weekday campaign event for Glenn Youngkin, the GOP candidate for governor. To his surprise and delight, some 200 people showed up from across his district, which stretches from the...

Biden’s Bizarre, Bogus Claim That His $3.5T Spending Plan Will Cost ‘Zero’

(Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education) President Joe Biden and his progressive allies in Washington, DC are currently trying to pass one of the largest government spending plans in American history. Yet they’re now bizarrely claiming that their $3.5+ trillion climate change and welfare proposal will cost... nothing? In a White House...

Lindsey Graham Hopes Trump Runs Again in 2024

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said this weekend that he hopes former president Donald Trump runs again in 2024, according to the Detroit News. Just a few days after Trump slammed Graham for reportedly telling other Republicans that he believed Trump’s complaints about the 2020 presidential election amounted to grade school...

Republicans Push for Forensic Audits in Battleground States & Texas

(Headline USA) The most closely watched attempt by Republicans to examine the 2020 presidential election in a battleground state has ended in a resounding victory in Arizona, and their efforts are cranking up elsewhere. The most recent is in Republican-controlled Texas, where the secretary of state's office announced Thursday it...

Population Gains in Urban Cities Could Give Blue States Bigger Democrat Majorities

(Headline USA) As congressional redistricting gets underway, some of the country's most populous cities are taking prominent roles in reshaping the balance of power in Washington. And that's good news for Democrats. Robust growth in the liberal strongholds of New York and metropolitan Chicago are poised to give Democrats an edge...

Nancy Pelosi Says House Will Pass $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill This Week

(Headline USA) With President Joe Biden's broad domestic agenda at risk of collapse, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday vowed that Democrats will pass a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill this week. Then the Democrats will push ahead on the bigger $3.5 trillion welfare and climate change bill, though they...

Trump Reports Ariz. Audit Fraud Results at Ga. Rally

(Headline USA) At a rally in Perry, Ga., on Saturday night, former president Donald Trump exposited on the results of the election audit in Arizona that exposed many examples of evidence of illegal voting at a hearing the day before. National File reported: The number of issues raised by the Arizona...

Panel OKs Dems’ $3.5T Bill, Setting Up Congressional Showdown

(Associated Press) Democrats pushed a $3.5 trillion, 10-year bill of progressive pet issues and climate programs through the House Budget Committee on Saturday, but one Democrat voted "no," illustrating the challenges party leaders face in winning the near unanimity they'll need to push the sprawling package through Congress. The Democratic-dominated...

SCHIFF: Criminal Contempt for Trump Officials Who Don’t Help Jan. 6th Committee

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., chairman of the House Intelligence Commitee, floated possible criminal contempt charges for those who refuse to cooperate with the Jan. 6 committee’s investigation. Schiff said this week that the Justice Department is open to criminally pursuing former Trump officials who don’t respond to the committee’s subpoenas. "So...

Maricopa County Auditors Conclude: ‘Election Should Not Be Certified’

The Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday released a 110-page forensic audit report on the 2020 presidential election, and the auditors concluded in an eight-page executive summary that "the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable." Cyber Ninjas, the company that conducted the forensic audit,...

New Non-Laptop Emails Show More Hunter Biden Ties to China

President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, attempted to acquire an annual $2-million retainer to aid in the recovery of Libyan assets frozen by President Obama, Business Insider reported. The discovery further validates the legitimacy of last year's report by the New York Post about the Bidens' corrupt foreign deals, which...
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