Saturday, September 28, 2024


Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Defends Company Decision NOT To Censor Trump

'I work at Facebook and I am not proud of how we’re showing up. The majority of coworkers I’ve spoken to feel the same way...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg reportedly defended the company’s decision to leave President Donald Trump’s posts online after employees demanded that he...

De Blasio Condemns Officer Who Was Trying to Defend Himself Against Violent Looters

'This police officer unholstered his weapon only after his supervisor was nearly killed with a brick...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was quick to condemn a New York Police Department officer after a 12-second video clip surfaced in which the officer pulled his service...

GRAHAM: Corrupt FBI Agents ‘Defined the Scope of Their Own Investigation’

'The point is, the whole concept that the campaign was colluding with the Russians---there was no there there in August 2017...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The top Justice Department official who launched and oversaw the Mueller investigation into Russian collusion admitted under oath Wednesday that it was a mistake, but...

Griping Democrats Force NYTimes to Change Positive Trump Headlines

'The New York Times headline writers are going to Both Sides the country to death...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) The New York Times caved once again to radical left-wing activists and politicians on Monday, opting to change its front-page headline after it was deemed too pro-Trump. The Times's original headline was...

AOC, Twitter Mob Attack Washington Redskins for #BlackOutTuesday Post

'The use of the R-word as the name and mascot ... causes direct, harmful effects on the physical and mental health and academic achievement of the American Indian...' Editor's note: Article contains profanity (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) The social media accounts of the Washington Redskins shared in the #BlackOutTuesday protest but...

Biden’s VP Options Scrutinized for Gaffes, Law-Enforcement Backgrounds

'The main criteria should be for the VP who can step in and become president. And now it may be, who can bring to the ticket less damage...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden's VP options seem to be narrowing as the media switches the official narrative...

Rosenstein Denies ‘Nefarious’ Intent in Suspicious Mueller Emails

'It’s actually a very innocent email...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) During an exchange with Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein sought to put to rest one of the many episodes that had raised suspicious about his motives in the...

PARK POLICE: Media, Dems Lying About Trump’s ‘Photo-Op,’ ‘Tear-Gassing’

Once again another false narrative amplified by the media is debunked... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) After President Trump’s Monday night address, Democrats and the mainstream media quickly condemned the president after reports surfaced that Park Police had used tear gas on "peaceful" protesters to clear the area. Officials, however, clarified that...

NeverTrump Sen. Sasse Bashes Trump for Bible ‘Photo-Op’ During Riots

'There is no right to riot, no right to destroy others’ property, and no right to throw rocks at police. But there is a fundamental---a Constitutional---right to protest...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., called President Donald Trump's visit on Monday to Washington, DC's St. John's Church a...

COTTON: Trump Should Invoke Insurrection Act, Deploy Military to End Violent Riots

'No quarter for insurrectionists, anarchists, rioters, and looters...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., urged President Donald Trump on Monday to invoke the Insurrection Act, a law that would allow the president to deploy active-duty U.S. troops to cities unable to contain the chaos created by ongoing riots. "What...

Police Injured by Brutal Antifa Attacks in St. Louis, Las Vegas, Chicago, NY…

'We came here to riot...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) As violence and chaos continue to accompany the riots across the country, dozens of law-enforcement officials are being targeted by radical Antifa leftists. In St. Louis on Monday night, four officers were hospitalized after a rioter allegedly opened fire oat a line...

BET Founder Calls for $14 Trillion in Slave Reparations: ‘Now Is the Time to Go Big’

'Damages is a normal factor in a capitalist society for when you have been deprived for certain rights...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Robert Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, suggested on Monday that the best way to relieve racial tensions in the U.S. is to provide black Americans with...
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