Sunday, September 29, 2024


Former Liberal Lion Jon Stewart Taken to Pasture on AppleTV+

(Alex Tien, Headline USA) Former national talk show host Jon Stewart's streaming program on AppleTV is not off to a great start, according to Bloomberg. Although the likes of Netflix, AppleTV, Prime Video and Disney+ have all had great amounts of success with movies and TV shows, none of the streaming...

New World Order’s Top Challenge: How to Deal w/ ‘Useless People’

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) An adviser to the World Economic Forum warned that the world will have "billions of useless people" when artificial intelligence can perform all their jobs and they refuse to receive technological implants. Israeli philosopher Yuval Harari said that humanity will have to "deal with" these "meaningless"...

Left Goes Wild over Tucker Carlson’s ‘Hyper-Masculine’ Special

(Alex Tien, Headline USA) The Left is in an uproar after Tucker Carlson released a trailer for a documentary about testosterone decline, Breitbart reported. While some accused it of misogyny, however, a few members of the left-wing LGBT community tried a different tack---suggesting they maybe enjoyed it a little too...

Could Red-Pilled Jack Dorsey Be Musk’s Inside Man at Twitter?

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) After Twitter's board initiated their "poison pill" effort, billionaire Elon Musk may be preparing a countermove by teaming up with other investors, Western Journal reported. After Musk made the offer to purchase the company for $43 billion, the company's board of directors unanimously decided to adopt...

Ohio School Owes $400K for Trying to Force Prof. to Use Trans Pronouns

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) A public university in Ohio is paying $400,000 in damages and attorney fees after attempting to force a professor to use female pronouns to describe a male student, Fox News reported. Nick Meriwether, who has taught philosophy at Shawnee State University for several years, responded to...

Twitter Promotes Tweet Encouraging Assisted-Suicide

(John Ransom, Headline USA) A tweet from a multiple sclerosis victim who is about to end her life has gone viral on Twitter. Dear dear followers and other people, this is my last tweet. In a few days I will receive the final injection to end my life: multiple sclerose has...

Easter Bunny Hands Out Condoms at Texas Elem. School

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Easter festivities in Austin, Texas, included a parent dressed as the Easter Bunny handing out eggs packed with candy and unopened condoms at an elementary school, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported. A parent showed up at my kids' elementary school dressed as an Easter Bunny during...

SJWs Freak over ‘Blackface’ DJ at School Event; Turns Out to Be Black

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) Two diversity, equity, and inclusion officers in Arizona submitted complaints about a white DJ who wore blackface at a parent-teacher association fundraiser, but they apologized after learning that he is black, the Daily Mail reported. Hopi Elementary School's PTA hired DJ Kim Koko Hunter to play...

Ex Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Lashes Out at Company’s Disfunction

(Alex Tien, Headline USA) The founder and former CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, has publicly expressed disappointment and dissatisfaction with the company's board, the Daily Wire reported. Dorsey's remarks on Twitter come in the wake of the news that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is attempting to purchase the company. The tech world...

Ilhan Omar Gripes About Christians Singing Easter Songs on Plane

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., loudly whined about Christians celebrating Easter by singing Easter hymns, the Daily Wire reported. Omar was righteously offended that a largely Christian nation have citizens celebrating a Christian holiday. She would prefer that they only let her reveal her religion to the...

NY Times Uses Holy Weeks for Op-Ed in Favor of ‘Killing Gods’

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) The New York Times published a guest essay on Good Friday, the second-holiest day of the Christian calendar, that advocated for "killing gods" to end "war and violence" and "oppression and suffering." In the article, "In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God,"...

Musk Says Twitter Management Doesn’t Care About Shareholders

(John Ransom, Headline USA) Elon Musk said on Twitter over the weekend that the lack of shareholder representation on Twitter's board allows the company to disregard the interest of the shareholders. “Wow, with Jack departing, the Twitter board collectively owns almost no shares! Objectively, their economic interests are simply...
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