Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Did Bill Clinton Deliberately Sabotage Kamala via Laken Riley Gaffe?

'He was supposed to be campaigning FOR Kamala. YIKES...'

(Headline USA) Lame-duck leader Joe Biden may not be the only elderly Democrat party leaders out to derail the presidential aspirations of Vice President Kamala Harris.

A remark from master word-mincer Bill Clinton raised suspicions that the 42nd president might be undertaking a sabotage campaign of his own—whether to pull yet another last-minute party bait-and-switch on the failing candidate or for other reasons yet to be determined.

Clinton acknowledged on Monday, while seemingly stumping for the Democrat nominee, that Georgia nursing student Laken Riley would still be alive if the Biden–Harris administration had properly vetted the illegal alien who killed her.

“Yeah, well, if they’d all been properly vetted that probably wouldn’t have happened,” Clinton said of Riley’s death.

However, he quickly qualified those remarks by defending the administration’s open-borders policy.

“America is not having enough babies to keep our population up, so we need immigrants that have been vetted to do work,” he said.

The 78-year-old Clinton, famously known for his forked-yet-gilded tongue, seemed to be trying to tie Riley’s death to a Democrat-led border bill that that Harris has said she would sign if elected.

Republicans rebuffed the too-little, too-late measure as a political ploy, arguing that it was intended to rerout more funding to the Homeland Security Department to assist with their bad-faith efforts to import additional illegal immigrants as part of the administration’s active open-borders policies.

They have pointed to a House-passed bill that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., refused to bring to the floor as an alternative.

Nonetheless, Harris and others have cited the bill’s failure to claim that former President Donald Trump and Republicans were unwilling to work with them on resolving the border crisis.

Riley’s Feb. 22 death came shortly after the Senate bill was first introduced, although her accused killer, Jose Ibarra, already had been in the country for more than nine months and had traveled from Texas to Athens, Ga., by way of New York City.

Clinton went on to claim that if Trump had backed the Senate’s border bill, “there wouldn’t be a problem, and he couldn’t keep people all torn up and upset.”

Trump’s campaign touted Clinton’s comments on social media, saying, “He was supposed to be campaigning FOR Kamala. YIKES.”

The former president’s slip-up has fueled suspicion that Democrats are looking to shake up their 2024 presidential ticket—again.

As Harris’s campaign momentum stalls in key swing states, some have suggested that Democrats might even be considering once again tapping former First Lady Hillary Clinton, who lost to Trump in 2016, to replace Harris on the ticket.

“The only plausible explanation here is that this is a 3D chess move to get Dems to drop Kamala in the waning days and substitute in CROOKED HILLARY!” Trump senior adviser Jason Miller wrote on X. “She’s running!”

However, since early voting has already begun in several states, a last-minute switcharoo on the Democratic ticket is unlikely.

A more plausible explanation for Bill Clinton’s bizarre comment is that Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to be the only Democrat to have lost an election to Trump.

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