Friday, July 26, 2024

Biden’s National Security, State Dept. Picks Already Under Scrutiny

'I have no interest in returning to the “normal” that left us dependent on China...'

A day after Democrat nominee Joe Biden announced a spate of would-be nominations for what would be his Cabinet pics if elected president, top Republicans including Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, already declared their opposition.

Biden is continuing to move forward with his so-called transition as disputed state certifications and the blessing of the Government Services Administration helped to further bolster his claim on the presidency.

President Donald Trump pledged to cooperate with the transition effort even as his legal challenges remain a factor in the lead up to the Electoral College’s Dec. 14 meeting.

While Biden’s preliminary Cabinet picks seem to have reflected the mandate voters handed him to follow a less radical path than feared, the deep-seated corruption of some potentially high-ranking Obama Administration veterans already is starting to show.

As JustTheNews.com reported, Biden’s pick to be national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, was deeply involved with the conspiracy to smear one of his would-be predecessors, Michael Flynn.

Sullivan, a former assistant of Hillary Clinton’s while at the State Department, was one of a dozen individuals with email accounts on Clinton’s private server.

Among the scandals that his role found him enmeshed in was the Benghazi cover-up orchestrated by another of his would-be predecessors, Susan Rice.

“Jake Sullivan is a central figure in the Clinton email scandal and the related cover-up of the Benghazi terrorist attack,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told Just the News.

“That he has yet to be held accountable for misusing classified information is another scandal,” Fitton continued. “He can’t be trusted with the nation’s secrets.”

After ducking accountability on that scandal, the criminal investigation for which then-FBI Director James Comey dismissed in July 2016, Sullivan also was involved in the smear campaign that Clinton concocted to deflect voters’ attention away from it.

According to Breitbart, Sullivan may have been a missing link in establishing a case that Clinton was blurring the public and private lines of communication between her official duties and her campaign slush-fund, the Clinton Foundation, which collected political donations from foreign heads of state.

Sullivan also took a leading role in the negotiations with Iran under Clinton’s successor, John Kerry, and he helped to spread the Russia-collusion hoax.

That included offering testimony during a House Intelligence Committee exchange that Flynn “absolutely” colluded with the Russians in violation of the Logan Act.

“lf l went out right now and started telling foreign officials, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll avoid some action the current government is taking,’ that would be a violation of the Logan Act,” Sullivan testified in response to a question from then ranking minority member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

“And I think what Flynn did here—I mean, I’m not an attorney, but just on the face of what the purpose of this act is, what he did ran directly contrary to it,” Sullivan continued.

Ironically, the Biden transition team already has been accused of violating the Logan Act under similar circumstances, with officials from his team reportedly engaging in talks with foreign nations, likely including Iran, that potentially undermine Trump foreign policy.

Kerry, too, who has been floated as Biden’s new climate-change czar, was accused of meeting with Iranian officials and asking them, point blank, to ignore Trump administration policies after the president cancelled his controversial nuclear deal with the rogue Islamic republic.

Meanwhile, Biden’s pick for secretary of State has ties to a scandal even closer to home for the former vice president.

Tony Blinken has been implicated in several quid-pro-quo deals involving the Biden family’s personal business deals with foreign entities in places like China and Ukraine.

Blinken, a longtime Biden aide, met with Hunter Biden a year after the latter joined the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

At the time, Burisma was seeking US support to pressure the Ukrainian government to drop a major corruption investigation.

Two days after the meeting, Joe Biden called the Ukrainian president and lobbied him to drop the probe. He later threatened to withhold a billion-dollar loan if the investigating prosecutor wasn’t fired.

Blinken also served more recently as managing director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, an institution based at the University of Pennsylvania that was founded by Biden in 2018 with substantial support from anonymous Chinese donors.

“If Joe Biden and Tony Blinken don’t explain their cozy relationship with Communist China through the Biden Center, any FBI background investigation and Senate confirmation hearing must get to the bottom of this secret money connection,” said Peter Flaherty, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, which filed a major complaint with the Department of Education.

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