Sunday, June 16, 2024

As Scrutiny Grows of Hunter’s Finances, Searchable Database Emerges

The expenses, taken from documents on Biden’s laptop, include luxurious hotels and payments on a Porsche...

(Chris Parker, Headline USAA new online database now makes it easy to search 128,775 emails recovered from Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell.” 

As with most database software, users can filter searches based on keywords. Each query can be filtered to include some or all words, or exact phrases, reported Clash Daily.

The website, bidenlaptopemails.com, was set up by Garret Ziegler, a former aide to Peter Navarro, one of Trump’s picks for the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy. He compares his website to the Rosetta Stone.

Just as the Rosetta Stone helped clarify ancient languages, so too does the website clarify the previously innocuous exchanges between Biden and foreign entities, according to its caption. 

Placing this massive volume of emails online comes at a troubling time for Biden, who’s already facing growing scrutiny based on the contents of his emails and several controversial business dealings. 

The website includes a hyperlink for every email listed in the database, allowing each one to be shared easily. Emails can also be downloaded to Windows and Mac computers individually or as a whole. 

Federal prosecutors believe some of those dealings broke tax laws and are conducting an investigation. They also led to a hefty $2 million tax bill, although it has since been paid. Still, his legal troubles continue to grow as suspicions mount over how the money was earned.

Biden is also being scrutinized for living a lavish $200,000 per month lifestyle despite a looming tax bill. The expenses, taken from documents on Biden’s laptop, include luxurious hotels and payments on a Porsche. 

The emails include details of possible corrupt business practices with foreign entities. This includes the well-known Ukrainian deals and also joint ventures with a Chinese businessman who is now facing charges of fraud. 

It’s likely too early to tell how some of these new revelations will impact the 2024 presidential election or even the 2022 midterms. Public awareness of some pertinent details remains low due to a lack of coverage from the mainstream media.

However, the ability to now share each email as a hyperlink may prove to be a valuable tool for Republicans during both elections. 

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