Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Kamala Could Go to Jail over Gun She Claims to Own

'No Glock handguns have been approved for sale under the [Unsafe Handguns Act]...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) During the recent 60 Minutes interview, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris attempted to portray herself as someone who is pro-Second Amendment but only managed to admit that if she carried a gun in her home state of California, she would be considered a criminal.

“I have a Glock. And I’ve had it for quite some time. My background is in law enforcement,” Harris said during the interview.

The problem with that rhetoric was that, under California’s gun control measures pushed by Harris herself, owning this type of handgun would be illegal, as reported by the Daily Caller.

The news source reported that Harris previously advocated for Proposition H, a total handgun ban in San Francisco in 2005 when she used to work as the city’s district attorney. Nothing has changed since then because, according to Harris’s campaign website, she still wants to ban “high-capacity” magazines and “assault weapons.”

“No Glock handguns have been approved for sale under the [Unsafe Handguns Act],” Mark Oliva, director of public affairs at the National Shooting Sports Foundation, told the Caller. “Of course, as a law enforcement officer, she would be exempt from that restriction, which raises questions as to why she believes it is appropriate for her to purchase a handgun for her own self-defense that she designated as prohibited for sale to California citizens.”

As expected, conservatives on Twitter criticized and made fun of Harris’s latest comment.

“If a Glock is ‘safe’ enough for Kamala Harris, she should call for the repeal of the handgun roster so Californians can buy more modern Glocks. The lives of millions of regular people aren’t worth less than hers,” attorney for Mitchel & Associates Kostas Moros wrote.

Others also highlighted Harris’s hypocrisy regarding “gun violence.”

“Isn’t a Glock an assault handgun?” @GuntherEagleman wrote.

Political commentator Mike Cernovich also remembered that owning a Glock in Washington, D.C., would be illegal.

“Is it legal to own the Glock in DC?” he wrote.

Harris became infamous for her desire to ban firearms, with many old clips resurfacing after she replaced Joe Biden in the 2024 election race.

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