Thursday, October 17, 2024

SELLERS: Was Biden’s Watch Set to Rio Time in ‘Proof of Life’ Speech? Or Was It a Body Double?

'Well, I knew the guy, that's not Biden, that's not the guy I remember. If I was a conspiracy nut, I would think he was a body double, because it's that different...'

Clarification: A Twitter community note released after this report disputed the posts used as sources, saying that in photos from the Associated Press, the time on Biden’s watch corresponded to the time of the live broadcast. An earlier version of this article incorrectly listed the time of the live broadcast as 6 p.m. It was at 8 p.m. ET.

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) A speech broadcast Wednesday from the White House Resolution Desk appeared to show Joe Biden explaining his decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race.

It was an unremarkable speech given the context in which it was delivered, with the entire world recognizing that Biden’s failures had compelled fellow Democrats to force him out of office in the least “democratic” way possible.

“It’s been the honor of my life to serve as your president,” said the speech, according to a transcript provided by the Biden campaign’s official communications bureau, the Associated Press. “But in the defense of democracy, which is at stake, I think it’s more important than any title.”

Slipping back into their familiar pattern of parroting Biden’s remarks without question or scrutiny, the leftist press saw little reason to call out the bogus claims, further underscoring their ongoing lack of credibility.

Indeed, many have redoubled those efforts to push blatantly false narratives that will help elevate deeply unpopular Vice President Kamala Harris, who was endorsed by someone using Biden’s X account on Sunday, shortly after the announcement that he was withdrawing from the race.

Democrats now hope to nominate Harris within a week, once again staving off any serious challenges, as they did with Biden himself, by changing their own bylaws to allow for an early online process ahead of their late August convention.

However, with the government, the Democrat National Committee, the Deep-State intelligence apparatus and the media all conspiring to suppress accurate information and to push out false and misleading information, the atmosphere has become ripe for wild conspiracy theories to blossom.

Such was the case on Monday as many reliable news sources reported that Biden, who had not been seen publicly in roughly a week, might be critically ill or even dead.

Biden’s speech was seen, in some regards, as a sort of “proof of life” if nothing else, making the case that despite his withdrawal from the race he was still “cogent” enough to lead the nation for the remaining six months of his term.

Not all are convinced that he succeeded in that aspect.


Eagle-eyed Twitter users claimed that—assuming the event was live—Biden’s watch was not set to Eastern Standard Time, even though he supposedly had spent the past week convalescing at home in Wilmington, Delaware.

Presumably, the president has not been in a different time zone since his emergency return trip last week from Las Vegas—under circumstances that remain highly suspicious. And it is unclear from his public schedule.

Biden’s decision to congregate around a large group of people maskless and without social distancing, while seeming to display no symptoms of COVID-19 raises additional questions, given that it was the reason cited for clearing his schedule just a week ago. No information has been made available on when the 81-year-old last tested positive for the deadly virus.


The unusual circumstances, in the wake of reports about Biden having suffered a serious medical emergency, have only given legs to rumors that the White House may have used a Biden body double to deliver the speech.

In addition to seeming taller than the previous version, some pointed out that his gait seemed smoother than normal.

Evidence suggesting the use of a Biden body double has long circulated, even well before the reported medical emergency last week that forced Biden off the campaign trail for good.

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who spent decades as a Washington, D.C.-based political pundit, agreed that the transformation was notable even for those who knew him personally.

“Well, I knew the guy, that’s not Biden, that’s not the guy I remember,” Carlson said during a recent interview segment with investigative journalist Catherine Herridge. “If I was a conspiracy nut, I would think he was a body double, because it’s that different.”


Notwithstanding the fact that it would mean an imposter is continuing to run the country for the next six months with virtually no accountability whatsoever and no attention focused in his direction, Biden’s true identity and whereabouts for the past week may, to some extent, seem a moot point in light of his withdrawal from the presidential race.

As satire site the Babylon Bee noted prior to his reappearance, “US citizens had upgraded their interest in Biden’s whereabouts and safety to ‘modestly concerned'” in light of the fact that most think he has been absent for the bulk—if not the entirety—of his presidency.

Nonetheless, the persistent and increasingly brazen gaslighting efforts that the White House has undertaken may also extend to the Kamala Harris campaign.

Having learned nothing from the figurative bullet they dodged in nearly having Biden as their candidate (not to be confused with the literal one that Republicans dodged in nearly losing former President Donald Trump as theirs), mainstream media attempted on Wednesday to memory hole the well-documented evidence that Biden had appointed Harris to be his “border czar.”

Additionally, some supposedly reputable press, including a Pulitzer Prize winner, were attempting to claim that Trump was “afraid to debate a woman”—despite the fact that he previously debated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 campaign that he went on to win.

Meanwhile, only one group on the Left, Black Lives Matter, appeared to have come out criticizing the DNC over the fact that it had effectively anointed Harris as its nominee without any sort of a primary process.

“A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of,” the group said in a statement. “We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs.”

In the grand scheme of things, the success of the Biden coup and subsequent bait-and-switch may make its suspected use of an imposter president seem trivial by comparison.

Meanwhile, Trump and his supporters attempted to keep things in perspective, pointing out that Biden’s concession speech on Wednesday, even though forced by Democrats threatening to invoke the 25th Amendment, was ultimately an early victory for Republicans.

Despite the Left’s alarming level of comfort in bending the rules of democracy to their breaking point—and even attempting to warp reality itself to their own political devices—the Democrats’ desperation and vulnerability remains on full display.

Ben Sellers is the editor of Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/realbensellers.

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