Thursday, October 17, 2024

French Vigilante Gang Zip Tying Protesters and Handing them to Police Amidst Riots

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) The French media reported on a group of young, masked men fighting and zip-tying rioters in the port town of Lorient amid nationwide unrest.

According to Brietbart, local newspaper Le Télégramme reported on the roving group of vigilantes, largely groups of between 20 to 30 young men, concealing their faces with balaclavas and making unofficial arrests.

Witnesses described the group as well-built, quick-moving and well organized. The city of Lorient is home to a military base; however, there is no confirmation of the group being off-duty Marines.

One outlet claimed that a member of the group made a statement saying “we are on the good side,” but could not reveal himself and the identities of those in his cohort.

When asked if the group had “far-right” convictions, the group said “no, we are just people who want to save France, because France is going to ruin.”

The mayor of Lorient denied the existence of the anti-thug brigade, or the brigade anticasseur, and urged citizens to call the police if they see unrest.

French authorities deployed 45,000 police officers on the fifth day of riots, as the country burned.

An officer made a statement to Le Télégramme saying the police were grateful for the help.

“We let it happen at the start of the evening, because it relieved us,” he explained.

Many Frenchman believe that the riots—spurred by the killing of a Algerian teen by a police officer—were more than just outrage against policing, but a protest against France itself.

Rioters attacked and looted several private businesses across the European nation.

Despite the assistance given to the police, Mayor Fabrice Loher claimed the group was entirely fictional.

“In response to a rumour: no, there is no “militia” working alongside the police!” he said. “Our citizens are called to call… to report any public order issues.”

Since the beginning of the protests seven days ago, police made 2,426 arrests. Reports indicated there have been 5,821 car fires and more than 1,000 buildings damaged.

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