Friday, September 20, 2024

Biden Sees Double-Digit Drops in Black Support

'One might say that the Biden administration has been operating in a fashion detached from the very real and challenging realities...'

(John RansomHeadline USA) Nothing shows the vulnerability of the Democrats better than President Joe Biden’s precipitous drop in black support—a key constituency that Democrats need to hold on to the White House and Congress.

Although the Left has increasingly doubled-down on racial identity politics, hoping to pander to a minority population that is demographically outpacing America’s white majority, multiple polls suggest that Democrats’ core constituency is abandoning them for ignoring quality-of-life issues.

“One might say that the Biden administration has been operating in a fashion detached from the very real and challenging realities—day-to-day life and the cost of living, and health concerns during a terrible pandemic—with which Black Americans have been struggling,” wrote TownHall.

Black voters reportedly gave Biden 92% of the vote in 2020. Over the past year, however, black support for Biden has plunged to 69%, according to conservative pundit Joe Concha.

“So, we’re talking about an almost 25-point drop in a relatively short period of time,” Concha wrote in a recent op-ed for the Hill.

Commentators have cited two big issues that have blacks worried about the president’s effectiveness: COVID and inflation.

Despite Biden’s divisisve and inflammatory rhetoric accusing vaccine skeptics of being selfish and unpatriotic, the black and Latino communities have disproportionately remained hesitant of the experimental jabs.

The three weeks after Biden’s announcement of federal rules mandating vaccines, a Morning Consult poll showed his approval among blacks had dropped nine points, from 70% to 61%, according to TownHall.

“Among unvaccinated Blacks, Biden’s net approval—approve less disapprove—dropped 17 points,” it noted.

Then there is inflation, which disproportionately hurts black families with lower incomes.

Concha cited a Wall Street Journal estimate that inflation is costing families an extra $276 each month, or $3,000 per year.

“Many poor and middle-income families and single parents and individuals simply cannot afford that while living paycheck-to-paycheck,” said Concha.

A new poll from Quinnipiac said that the erosion of support isn’t just confined to blacks, either.

Hispanics disapprove of Biden’s performance as president 49% to 35% approval, roughly in line with voters overall.

“The extreme woke liberalism that produces terms like ‘Latinx’ are especially offensive to Hispanic voters,” GOP strategist Cesar Conda told the Gazette. “The vaccine mandates, in particular, have caused many Hispanics to lose their jobs and Hispanic-owned small businesses to shut down.”

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