Friday, July 26, 2024

Giuliani, Sidney Powell Preview the ‘Kraken’ Evidence; More to Come in Court

'Our role here is to do your job because you don’t do it...'

Attorneys from President Donald Trump’s post-election vote fraud team offered what they said was an “opening statement” in the court of public opinion while castigating many in the media for their dishonest coverage.

“This is the consummate foreign interference in our election in the most criminal way you can imagine,” said Sidney Powell, one of the three senior lawyers to preview the evidence they had unearthed in just over two weeks since the Nov. 3 election.

Joining Powell at the speaker’s podium were Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, with other attorneys onstage also representing the “elite strike force team that is working on behalf of the president” to protect election integrity, Ellis said.

“This is not about overturning an election on our part,” Ellis said. “If the United States caves to corruption or this election-integrity disaster, then no election will be secure from here on out.”

Nonetheless, the lawyers said that while they were still investigating many different leads, they already had ample evidence from affidavits and other sources that could overturn the results in a court of law.

Despite insisting prior to the election that it would vigorously contest and drag out any possible disputes of the outcome if Trump were to win, Democrat nominee Joe Biden’s campaign—and many of its media allies—declared victory only four days after the election, even as challenges and recounts were underway in several tossup states.

The Trump team’s multi-pronged legal attack has included raising questions of fraud involving in-person voting, as well as mail-in ballots.

Giuliani said that the latter had long been considered a vulnerability by the likes of former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker, Supreme Court Justice David Souter and even the New York Times.

“This is the first time we ever did it en masse, and I think we proved that all three are prophets,” Giuliani said.

Although Democrat election officials in some areas systematically attempted to prevent Republican poll-watchers from fulfilling their duty, witnesses have testified to observing truckloads of suspicious ballots arrive in the middle of the night in places like Detroit, Michigan.

“What emerged very quickly was this is not a singular voter fraud,” Giuliani said, noting that the same pattern had repeated in several urban centers.

“… There was a plan from a central place to execute these acts of voter fraud, specifically focused on big cities … that have a long history of corruption,” he said.

In addition to six states that have been the focus of scrutiny—Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia—he said Trump’s team also was pursuing leads in New Mexico and Virginia.

Often, blue-state officials, such as Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, encouraged local election boards to apply two different—seemingly politically motivated—standards to Democrat-leaning cities and more Republican, rural precincts.

Moreover, he said a Michigan official had sworn to being instructed to back-date ballots that came in after the Election Day deadline and was told not to check for irregularities in ballots.

Officials also had observed thousands of people who came in on Election Day and were given provisional ballots after being told they already had voted absentee.

Giuliani speculated that some Democrat leaders may have cast votes for those unlikely to register.

Meanwhile, some precinct workers were wrongly told not to check for identification—allowing ineligible voters who did not live in a precinct to vote there regardless.

Such appeared to be the case in Philadelphia, a city with a long history of vote fraud, including federal investigators’ discovery over the summer of a ballot-stuffing ring orchestrated by a disgraced ex-congressman turned felon.

“Unless you’re stupid, you knew that people from Camden were gonna come over to vote,” Giuliani said of the City of Brotherly Love.

“… It’s about as frequent as getting beaten up at a Philadelphia Eagles football game,” added the former New York City mayor. “It happens all the time.”

Powell followed Giuliani to the podium to outline another major aspect of the current investigative efforts: those involving the fraud introduced by voting machines and software.

The most egregious abuses came from the Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic software companies, which are believed to have been used in some 30 states.

But Powell said others—including Texas, which rejected the unreliable Dominion system—may have been subject to similar manipulations not yet known since the source code may have been the same.

She said there was a “massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba and likely China in the interference of our elections.”

The companies involved have ties to a number of powerful Democrats and leftist leaders, including billionaire George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

The Smartmatic software was developed by two Venezuelans tied to former leader Hugo Chavez expressly for the purposes of ensuring he would not lose elections, she said.

The software is believed to have routed votes through Barcelona, Spain, and Frankfurt, Germany, where the results may have been tampered with at any point along the way.

Included in the voting systems are features that allow users in the know—be it hackers, machine technicians or election officials—to delete votes entirely or weight them differently for the candidates.

The attorneys might never have uncovered it, Powell said, except “votes for President Trump had been so overwhelming… that it broke the algorithm.”

After the machines went down on election night in some cities, such as Atlanta, officials temporarily stopped the voting—or claimed while waiting for Republican observers to leave and then proceeding with a hand-count of questionable ballots.

The timing corresponded in some areas with an influx of mail-in ballots, according to witnesses who remained.

Powell also said Dominion representatives may have gone in to repair machines that had “shut down” and may have used the opportunity to add more votes to Biden’s total.

The attorneys once again noted that Democrats—such as Rep. Carol Maloney of New York and Sens. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts—had previously flagged concerns over the electronic voting technology.

Powell called on state- and federal-level investigators to launch an immediate, full-scale probe into what she described as a national-security issue.

The conspiracy was one of the most “stunning, heartbreaking, infuriating and the most unpatriotic acts I can even imagine,” she said, “… and I want the American public to know right now that we will not be intimidated.”

The lawyers said one of the attorneys working on the probe had left because of pressure that included threats to his life and family. Other lawyers—and witnesses—were reluctant to come forward out of fear of being blacklisted or falling victim to radical-leftist cancel culture.

All three of the speakers railed against the false reporting from mainstream, corporate media outlets, including the repeated false claims that the Trump team’s allegations lacked evidence.

“We’re frustrated … with what we keep reading and hearing in the censored press,” Giuliani said. “Whether you agree or disagree with an affidavit, it’s evidence.”

He said the failure by the media to perform its reporting functions was what necessitated the press conference in order to inform the public about the case.

“Our goal here is to go around the iron curtain of censorship … and get facts to the American people that, if you were a fair and honest network, you would have been reporting,” Giuliani told a CNN reporter.

“Our role here is to do your job because you don’t do it,” he added.

Ellis predicted that left-wing outlets who covered the conference at all would likely lead off by continuing to claim insufficient evidence or complaining that it was too long.

“This is not a Law and Order episode where everything is wrapped up in 60 minutes,” she said. “Trials take time.”

The attorneys said they had plenty of time to prove their cases, presumably before the Electoral College convenes on Dec. 14.

The current focus on the three pending cases was seeking injunctions to prevent states from certifying results that included fraudulent tallies.

Despite media reports that the Trump team had been dealt a series of courtroom defeats, they said most of the dismissed cases had been independent voters or groups who lacked standing to press their lawsuits.

“All of you fake news headlines are dancing around the merits of this case,” Ellis said.

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