Friday, July 26, 2024

State Dept. Admits It Is Struggling to Track Ukrainian Aid

'Like it does with everything else, Congress threw tens of billions of dollars at a problem, patted itself on the back, and called it a day...'

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) A recent cable from the U.S. State Department revealed that the federal government is having difficulty tracking the billions of dollars in aid sent to Ukraine.

Instead, it relies on Ukrainian military officials and staffers to keep track of how much money is used and what it is used for.

The Ukrainian forces are allowed to “conduct [their] own inspections,” leaving the $50 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds completely in the hands of foreign powers.

According to the Daily Wire, the White House plans to bring in an American firm in February 2023 to help them track the money and military equipment for up to three years.

They are also trusting Ukrainian staffers to coordinate with embassy officials and oversee the aid, despite the fact that they are not in the country itself.

According to the cable, the U.S. will use a “commercial smartphone app” to track the finances.

“The app will provide reliable, tangible evidence that assistance is reaching intended recipients, even in locales too dangerous or difficult for program implementer staff to reach,” said the State Department cable from the U.S. embassy in Kyiv states.

Usually, U.S.-trained inspectors travel with massive financial aid packages to foreign nations; however, the State Department neglected to send any American officials due to the unpredictable nature of the invasion.

Several reports say that only 30-40% of aid has made it to its intended destination, leading GOP congressmen to blast the Democrats for their supposed incompetence.

“This news shouldn’t surprise anyone,” said Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas.

“Like it does with everything else, Congress threw tens of billions of dollars at a problem, patted itself on the back, and called it a day,” he continued. “This way of doing things has to stop. I am willing to consider measures to support our allies, but I was elected by the people of this country, not anywhere else.”

The Democrat Party’s relationship with disgraced FTX CEO Sam Bankman–Fried casts this recent round of the financial complications in a questionable light, suggesting for some a complex money-laundering operation.

The Biden administration is also losing track of several steadily growing issues, including the tracking of migrants crossing into the U.S. via the southern border.

In January, the Department of Homeland Security admitted that it could not account for some 50,000 illegal immigrants who had been processed and released by federal officials in 2021, excluding the number of “gotaways” who were never caught, Breitbart reported.

That number has likely risen exponentially over the past year as DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has done nothing to discourage the illegal crossings.

Earlier this month, customs officials were caught underreporting how many illegals are in the U.S. without tracking equipment, and corrections revealed that the number is 18,000% higher than the publicly reported number.

In both cases, however—whether it is the billions in lost Ukraine funds or the millions of illegal immigrants unaccounted for by the government that created the problem—the question still lingers as to whether the cause was mere incompetence or something more nefarious.

Headline USA’s Ben Sellers contributed to this report.

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