Thursday, October 17, 2024

‘Squad’ Reps. Blast Colleagues for ‘Celebrating’ ‘War Criminal’ Netanyahu

'It is a sad day for our democracy when my colleagues will smile for a photo op with a man who is actively committing genocide...'

(Headline USA) Leftist “Squad” representatives blasted their colleagues ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address on Wednesday, accusing Congress of “celebrating” a “genocide” by inviting him to speak.

“By bestowing Prime Minister Netanyahu with a joint address, Congress is not only continuing to green-light genocide; it is actively celebrating the man at the forefront of that genocide,” Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., said in a statement.

She urged her fellow lawmakers to join her in boycotting “war criminal” Netanyahu’s address and “join us in the fight for a just and lasting peace that protects the right to self-determination for Palestinians and Israelis alike.”

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who was censured by the House last year for anti-Semitic rhetoric, similarly blasted the event, arguing that it was “utterly disgraceful that leaders from both parties” invited Netanyahu to speak.

“Make no mistake: this event is a celebration of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians,” Tlaib said. “It is a sad day for our democracy when my colleagues will smile for a photo op with a man who is actively committing genocide.”

Unlike Bush, Tlaib did attend Netanyahu’s speech on Wednesday, but held up a double-sided sign that read “War Criminal” and “Guilty of Genocide” throughout his address.

She also refused to stand as Netanyahu entered the room and did not join in with applause from other lawmakers.

Tlaib’s protest comes after House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., threatened to have Capitol Police officers arrest anyone who interrupted Netanyahu’s address.

Outside the Capitol building, while Netanyahu was speaking, the “Squad’s” allies staged a protest near Union Station, where they burned the American flag and an image of Netanyahu.

Left-wing activists also reportedly broke into the hotel where Netanyahu and his Israeli delegation were staying and dumped maggots in their conference room.

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