Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Psaki Pushes Bogus Claim that Ministry of Truth Was Trump’s Idea

'I can’t even imagine the number of heads that would have exploded simultaneously today if something like that would have happened... '

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) White House press secretary Jen Psaki insisted that the recently announced Disinformation Governance Board was a continuation of Trump-era efforts, Western Journal reported.

The board was inititally revealed by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas with no references to the Trump administration.

“We have just established a mis- and disinformation governance board in the Department of Homeland Security to more effectively combat this threat, not only to election security but to our homeland security,” he said.

After the decidedly negative reaction to this announcement, Psaki seems to be aiming to shift the blame.

“This is a continuation of work that began at the Department of Homeland Security in 2020 under former President Trump,” she said at one point in a press briefing. She did not provide details.

“So for anyone who’s critical of it, I didn’t hear them being critical of the work under the former president, which is just interesting to note contextually,” she said.

She also avoided answering questions about the appointed leader of the board, Nina Jankowicz, who attacked the New York Post for reporting on the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, calling it “Russian disinformation.”

“Yesterday, you had told me that you were not familiar with Nina Jankowicz. I’m wondering if you’re — if you have more information on her today,” reporter Jacqui Heinrich asked.

“Also, Secretary Mayorkas said that he was not familiar with statements that she had made surrounding the Hunter Biden laptop,” Heinrich continued.

“And I’m just wondering: How was she hired if you and the White House are not familiar with her, if Mayorkas is not familiar with her statements? What’s the process for putting her into a position like this? Who’s in charge of her hiring?”

Psaki simply responded by saying she is an “expert on online disinformation,” and stated that she was hired by the DHS.

Psakis claims were ruthlessly mocked on Twitter.

Lara Trump, Fox News contributor and daughter-in-law of the former president, noted that if President Trump had attempted to do something like this, the Left would have been thrown into chaotic rage.

“I can’t even imagine the number of heads that would have exploded simultaneously today if something like that would have happened. Obviously, this whole thing is very concerning,” she said on “Fox & Friends First”.

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