‘54 percent said there would be more gun violence during that time, which would be during Biden’s presidency.’
Thursday, October 17, 2024

POLL: Majority Think Gun Violence Will Increase Under Biden

Arming teachers and staff to protect students was also favored by a majority of respondents...

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) A majority of American voters believe that gun violence will increase under Joe Biden, according to a recent Politico/Morning Consult poll. Only 5% of respondents thought gun violence would decrease during Biden’s term.

“When respondents were asked whether they believed ‘there will be more, fewer, or the same amount of incidence [sic] of gun violence’ in the ‘next few years,’ 54% said there would be more gun violence during that time, which would be during Biden’s presidency,” Breitbart reported.

The remaining 34% of respondents said that the gun violence would remain the same, and only 5% of people said that they think gun violence would decrease in the next couple of years.

The poll sampled 1,920 registered voters on May 25 with a margin of error of two percentage points. The poll was taken after 19 children and two adults were killed in a mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday. The shooter was 18 years old, and even though he was old enough to buy a gun, he broke several gun laws to obtain it.

Arming teachers and staff to protect students was also favored by a majority of respondents.

Fifty-four percent either strongly or somewhat support arming teachers and staff to respond to a school shooting. Just 35% either somewhat or strongly oppose the measure.

Also, when it comes to arming teachers, 31% of people said they strongly support the measure and 20% said that they strongly oppose it.

As suspected, instead of supporting arming teachers and staff in schools to protect children, Democrats and the politicians they support want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment altogether. However, people trust Republicans more than Democrats when it comes to gun-related issues, the poll reported.

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