Wednesday, September 18, 2024

New Info Suggests J6 DNC Pipe Bomb Might’ve Been Planted Minutes before Discovery

'A senior congressional investigator told Blaze News the latest theory is that the DNC bomb was planted less than 15 minutes before it was discovered at 1:05 p.m....'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) For more than the last three years, the FBI has told the public that the pipe bombs discovered outside the DNC and RNC headquarters on Jan. 6, 2021, had been planted in those respective locations the night before.

According to the FBI, those devices sat for some 17 until shortly before 1 p.m. on Jan. 6 , when a female pedestrian found the RNC pipe bomb. Then, the DNC pipe bomb was discovered by a plainclothes Capitol Police officer at 1:07 p.m.—right as violence at the Capitol was beginning.

As Headline USA revealed last month, the FBI had a suspect identified by Jan. 10, 2021, but never made any arrests.

The FBI’s narrative has raised questions as to how the Secret Service’s bomb-sniffing dogs missed the DNC pipe bomb when sweeping the building the morning of Jan. 6. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris travelled to the DNC at 11:25 a.m. that morning, when the pipe bomb was thought to be still sitting outside.

But new reports are calling the FBI’s narrative into question.

On Monday, Blaze Media reported that Congress is examining the possibility that the pipe bomb was planted outside the DNC midday on Jan. 6, when Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was inside the building.

“A senior congressional investigator told Blaze News the latest theory is that the DNC bomb was planted less than 15 minutes before it was discovered at 1:05 p.m.,” Blaze reported.

“That would mean the bomb was placed near a park bench on the southwest side of the DNC building 22 minutes before Harris was removed — not 17 hours earlier, as long claimed by the FBI.”

On Wednesday, investigative reporter Julie Kelly put more meat on the bone of Blaze’s intial article, releasing new footage showing an apparent law enforcement officer from Harris’s security detail exiting a DC Metro Police SUV at 12:51 p.m., and walking towards the area where the pipe bomb was found—with a bag in hand. Minutes later, the same officer walked back to the police vehicle with bag still in hand.

“What exactly was he doing? Did he set the device? And if he was acting on the up-and-up, how in the world did he not see a pipe bomb sitting right there?” Kelly asked.

For Revolver News’s Darren Beattie, who’s broken numerous stories on the pipe bomb case, Kelly’s footage makes it overwhelmingly likely that the FBI surveillance footage is fake and the bombs were actually planted not the evening before, but day of Jan. 6. Beattie has previously analyzed surveillance footage of the J5/6 pipe bomber, showing that the FBI has failed to release footage that would have shown the bomber planting the device.

When now-retired FBI official Steven D’Antuono was asked about the DNC surveillance footage last year, he pled ignorance.

“You know, the case agents describe—people put those videos together for us to kind of put out there. I wasn’t part of playing—you know, I wasn’t editing the videos or putting the videos together as the ADIC,” D’Antuono told Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky.

“I’m not sure. No one, you know, explained to me that there was—the reason why that would have been left out.”

At the time, D’Antuono also said that the pipe bombs were planted the night before.

“How confident are you that the individual depicted in the surveillance footage on January 5th set both of those pipe bombs in place?” Massie asked, to which D’Antuono replied: “So the video that we saw, I feel confident that by the video that we have, that that person planted those.”

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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