Thursday, October 17, 2024

Mark Kelly Staffer Admits He’s Lying about ‘Moderate’ Policies in Project Veritas Sting

'He's not going to say anything outright about what he’s going to do unless it will garner support from Independents and some of the moderate Republicans...'

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) Project Veritas caught a paid staffer for Arizona Democrat Mark Kelly’s senatorial re-election campaign training volunteers to lie about Kelly’s “moderate” positions, including his supposedly pro-life stance on abortion.

Evynn Bronson, a campaign field organizer with Mission for Arizona, was shown in the  hidden-camera exposé telling the undercover Project Veritas journalist that Kelly was “not going to say anything outright about what he’s going to do unless it will garner support from Independents and some of the moderate Republicans.”

The Post Millennial reported that Mission Arizona is a left-wing political organization that lists re-electing Mark Kelly as its top priority.

Bronson explained that Kelly “can’t win with just Democrat votes.” Accordingly, she insisted that “he has to play both sides.”

Bronson explained that “40% of the people voting are undecided whether or not they’re going to vote Republican or Democrat.” Thus, Kelly “can’t be too far-left leaning otherwise that’ll scare away a lot of those independents, and that’s 40%.”

She went on to admit that if Kelly’s far-left positions were known, then he’d lose the election.

Bronson explained that, while she didn’t like that Kelly was considered “moderate,” the political orientation of the state could not produce a more open leftist.

She specifically explained how she would lie to a Republican asking if Mark Kelly was pro-life.

“I would say ‘Mark Kelly is pro-life but also pro-keeping the government out of our healthcare.’ I don’t know, something stupid like that.”

The Project Veritas reporter clarified, “Even though he’s not pro-life?”

“Absolutely he is not pro-life,” she replied.

“And then I’d go to something like, ‘You know after his wife was in a shooting, he values life so much.’ It’s just a shame,” Bronson added, further underscoring the Left’s cynical efforts to exploit the 2011 attack on then-Rep. Gabby Giffords for extra sympathy points.

Bronson also instructed the undercover journalist how to lie about Kelly’s positions on gun control and border security.

Kelly was called out on his border failures during a recent debate by GOP rival Blake Masters, who demanded that the incumbent senator exit the race after claiming he had done all he could do to solve the problem.

“We have a wide open southern border, so if that’s the best you can do, I respectfully request you resign,” Masters said.

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